Data Science Practice Exams
How well do you know the most in-demand data science and analytics tools and techniques? Test your data science skills with practice problems and exam questions.Discover a plethora of online exams that will test your current knowledge and ability to solve data science problems. Evaluate your skills online at no cost with SQL mock tests, Excel and NumPy exam questions, and more.
Whether you’re studying for an exam, preparing for an interview, or looking to check your knowledge level, our data science practice exams will ensure you’re up to the task. Timed to simulate a real-life experience, the data science test questions verify your theoretical understanding and technical skills.
Identify areas for improvement to enhance your skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities—bringing you closer to achieving your goals.

Excel Mechanics
Imagine if you had to apply the same Excel formatting adjustment to both Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 (i.e., adjust font, adjust fill color of the sheets, add a couple of empty rows here and there) which contain thousands of rows. That would cost an unjustifiable amount of time. That is where advanced Excel skills come in handy as they optimize your data cleaning, formatting and analysis process and shortcut your way to a job well-done. Therefore, asses your Excel data manipulation skills with this free practice exam.
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Formatting Excel Spreadsheets
Did you know that more than 1 in 8 people on the planet uses Excel and that Office users typically spend a third of their time in Excel. But how many of them use the popular spreadsheet tool efficiently? Find out where you stand in your Excel skills with this free practice exam where you are a first-year investment banking analyst at one of the top-tier banks in the world. The dynamic nature of your position will test your skills in quick Excel formatting and various Excel shortcuts
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Hypothesis Testing
Whenever we need to verify the results of a test or experiment we turn to hypothesis testing. In this free practice exam you are a data analyst at an electric car manufacturer, selling vehicles in the US and Canada. Currently the company offers two car models – Apollo and SpeedX. You will need to download a free Excel file containing the car sales of the two models over the last 3 years in order find out interesting insights and test your skills in hypothesis testing.
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Confidence Intervals
Confidence Intervals refers to the probability of a population parameter falling between a range of certain values. In this free practice exam, you lead the research team at a portfolio management company with over $50 billion dollars in total assets under management. You are asked to compare the performance of 3 funds with similar investment strategies and are given a table with the return of the three portfolios over the last 3 years. You will have to use the data to answer questions that will test your knowledge in confidence intervals.
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Fundamentals of Inferential Statistics
While descriptive statistics helps us describe and summarize a dataset, inferential statistics allows us to make predictions based off data. In this free practice exam, you are a data analyst at a leading statistical research company. Much of your daily work relates to understanding data structures and processes, as well as applying analytical theory to real-world problems on large and dynamic datasets. You will be given an excel dataset and will be tested on normal distribution, standardizing a dataset, the Central Limit Theorem among other inferential statistics questions.
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Fundamentals of Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive statistics helps us understand the actual characteristics of a dataset by generating summaries about data samples. The most popular types of descriptive statistics are measures of center: median, mode and mean. In this free practice exam you have been appointed as a Junior Data Analyst at a property developer company in the US, where you are asked to evaluate the renting prices in 9 key states. You will work with a free excel dataset file that contains the rental prices and houses over the last years.
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Jupyter Notebook Shortcuts
In this free practice exam you are an experienced university professor in Statistics who is looking to upskill in data science and has joined the data science apartment. As on of the most popular coding environments for Python, your colleagues recommend you learn Jupyter Notebook as a beginner data scientist. Therefore, in this quick assessment exam you are going to be tested on some basic theory regarding Jupyter Notebook and some of its shortcuts which will determine how efficient you are at using the environment.
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Intro to Jupyter Notebooks
Jupyter is a free, open-source interactive web-based computational notebook. As one of the most popular coding environments for Python and R, you are inevitably going to encounter Jupyter at some point in you data science journey, if you have not already. Therefore, in this free practice exam you are a professor of Applied Economics and Finance who is learning how to use Jupyter. You are going to be tested on the very basics of the Jupyter environment like how to set up the environment and some Jupyter keyboard shortcuts.
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Black-Scholes-Merton Model in Python
The Black Scholes formula is one of the most popular financial instruments used in the past 40 years. Derived by Fisher, Black Myron Scholes and Robert Merton in 1973, it has become the primary tool for derivative pricing. In this free practice exam, you are a finance student whose Applied Finance is approaching and is asked to perform the Black-Scholes-Merton formula in Python by working on a dataset containing Tesla’s stock prices for the period between mid-2010 and mid-2020.
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Python for Financial Analysis
In a heavily regulated industry like fintech, simplicity and efficiency is key. Which is why Python is the preferred choice for programming language over the likes of Java or C++. In this free practice exam you are a university professor of Applied Economics and Finance, who is focused on running regressions and applying the CAPM model on the NASDAQ and The Coca-Cola Company Dataset for the period between 2016 and 2020 inclusive. Make sure to have the following packages running to complete your practice test: pandas, numpy, api, scipy, and pyplot as plt.
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Python Finance
Python has become the ideal programming language for the financial industry, as more and more hedge funds and large investment banks are adopting this general multi-purpose language to solve their quantitative problems. In this free practice exam on Python Finance, you are part of the IT team of a huge company, operating in the US stock market, where you are asked to analyze the performance of three market indices. The packages you need to have running are numpy, pandas and pyplot as plt.
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Machine Learning with KNN
KNN is a popular supervised machine learning algorithm that is used for solving both classification and regression problems. In this free practice exam, this is exactly what you are going to be asked to do, as you are required to create 2 datasets for 2 car dealerships in Jupyter Notebook, fit the models to the training data, find the set of parameters that best classify a car, construct a confusion matrix and more.
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Excel Functions
The majority of data comes in spreadsheet format, making Excel the #1 tool of choice for professional data analysts. The ability to work effectively and efficiently in Excel is highly desirable for any data practitioner who is looking to bring value to a company. As a matter of fact, being proficient in Excel has become the new standard, as 82% of middle-skill jobs require competent use of the productivity software. Take this free Excel Functions practice exam and test your knowledge on removing duplicate values, transferring data from one sheet to another, rand using the VLOOKUP and SUMIF function.
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Useful Tools in Excel
What Excel lacks in data visualization tools compared to Tableau, or computational power for analyzing big data compared to Python, it compensates with accessibility and flexibility. Excel allows you to quickly organize, visualize and perform mathematical functions on a set of data, without the need for any programming or statistical skills. Therefore, it is in your best interest to learn how to use the various Excel tools at your disposal. This practice exam is a good opportunity to test your excel knowledge in the text to column functions, excel macros, row manipulation and basic math formulas.
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Excel Basics
Ever since its first release in 1985, Excel continues to be the most popular spreadsheet application to this day- with approximately 750 million users worldwide, thanks to its flexibility and ease of use. No matter if you are a data scientist or not, knowing how to use Excel will greatly improve and optimize your workflow. Therefore, in this free Excel Basics practice exam you are going to work with a dataset of a company in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods Sector as an aspiring data analyst and test your knowledge on basic Excel functions and shortcuts.
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A/B Testing for Social Media
In this free A/B Testing for Social Media practice exam, you are an experienced data analyst who works at a new social media company called FilmIt. You are tasked with the job of increasing user engagement by applying the correct modifications to how users move on to the next video. You decide that the best approach is by conducting a A/B test in a controlled environment. Therefore, in order to successfully complete this task, you are going to be tested on statistical significance, 2 tailed-tests and choosing the success metrics.
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Fundamentals of A/B Testing
A/B Testing is a powerful statistical tool used to compare the results between two versions of the same marketing asset such as a webpage or email in a controlled environment. An example of A/B testing is when Electronic Arts created a variation version of the sales page for the popular SimCity 5 simulation game, which performed 40% better than the control page. Speaking about video games, in this free practice test, you are a data analyst who is tasked with the job to conduct A/B testing for a game developer. You are going to be asked to choose the best way to perform an A/B test, identify the null hypothesis, choose the right evaluation metrics, and ultimately increase revenue through in-game ads.
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Intrо to Machine Learning
State-of-the-art machine learning algorithms have opened a whole new realm of possibilities for businesses to optimize their processes and create new product/service features, that maximize competitive advantages. Used in recommendation systems, fraud detection, spam filtering, self-driving cars, to name a few, these advanced algorithms are only getting more popular by the day. Take this free machine learning practice exam and test your knowledge on supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement machine learning, and their applications.
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Introduction to Data Science Disciplines
The term “Data Science” dates back to the 1960s, to describe the emerging field of working with large amounts of data that drives organizational growth and decision-making. While the essence has remained the same, the data science disciplines have changed a lot over the past decades thanks to rapid technological advancements. In this free introduction to data science practice exam, you will test your understanding of the modern day data science disciplines and their role within an organization.
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Advanced SQL
In this free Advanced SQL practice exam you are a sophomore Business student who has decided to focus on improving your coding and analytical skills in the areas of relational database management systems. You are given an employee dataset containing information like titles, salaries, birth dates and department names, and are required to come up with the correct answers. This free SQL practice test will evaluate your knowledge on MySQL aggregate functions , DML statements (INSERT, UPDATE) and other advanced SQL queries.
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