New Course! How to Think Like a Data Scientist and Become One With Harpreet Sahota

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The 365 Team 14 Oct 2022 3 min read

We are excited to announce the first of (hopefully) many collaborations with industry expert Harpreet Sahota—the newest course on the 365 learning platform called How to Think Like a Data Scientist and Become One. 

This senior data scientist and course creator has a unique approach. Most instructors teach you technical skills and provide examples of their applications. Of course, this is crucial, as it lays the foundations of your career. But Harpreet Sahota believes that the secret to a successful career lies in combining different skills, and he built the content of his course around this idea.

You don’t get a paycheck because you know 100 different algorithms. You get paid to solve real-world problems.

Harpreet Sahota

The instructor shows you how to combine these skills with real-life examples, helpful advice, and a comprehensive industry overview. 

About the Course Creator

Harpreet Sahota is a recognized expert with vast experience. He has worked with such renowned companies as Bold Commerce, Price Industries, Comet, and Pachyderm. Currently, he is a DevRel manager at Deci AI. 

Harpreet is skilled at delivering valuable data-driven insights that help companies grow. But his contributions to the field go beyond this. He educates aspiring data scientists worldwide via his successful podcast, The Artist of Data Science, and YouTube channel with 1.46K subscribers. 

This new course on the 365 learning platform provides quality mentorship to aspiring data scientists. 

About the Topic

To be a successful data scientist, you need to wear multiple hats and learn to think like a product manager, scientist, or businessperson. You must learn to ask the right questions, look for answers, and effectively communicate findings—which requires technical and soft skills and the ability to use them to obtain valuable insights. 

Learning all that can be difficult, but the real challenge is tying it together. With his course, Harpreet helps you to see the bigger picture and start thinking like a data scientist. 

Who Is This Course For?

This course is suitable for aspiring data scientists with minimal or no experience. If you wish to learn what it’s like to work in data science and how to land your first job, this course is for you. 

What Will You Learn in This Course?

The course begins with a detailed industry overview, including the different roles and what it’s like to work in the field. The instructor also explains how to adopt a data science mindset, choose suitable projects, and build a portfolio that will land you a job. 

The second section introduces you to product management. To be a good data scientist, you must adopt a flexible mindset and embrace ambiguity. Harpreet teaches you how to create structure, revisit your questions and adjust the plan if the data doesn’t match your assumptions. 

Big data is a powerful tool, but you need to know how to use it to gain valuable insights. In the last section, the instructor walks you through the scientific method and shows you how to frame problems, ask the right questions, and conduct effective analysis to answer them. 

This course provides a comprehensive overview of data science, allowing you to obtain a realistic view of the industry and gain the necessary skills and knowledge to launch your career. 

How to Complete the Course?

You can only find Harpreet’s How to Think Like a Data Scientist and Become One on the 365 learning platform. Simply log into your account or sign up if you don’t have one. 

The course is an excellent addition to the Data Scientist Career Track—the best place to start your career. Complete all lessons to acquire the skills you need to become job ready.

The 365 Team

The 365 Data Science team creates expert publications and learning resources on a wide range of topics, helping aspiring professionals improve their domain knowledge, acquire new skills, and make the first successful steps in their data science and analytics careers.
