Last answered:

02 May 2024

Posted on:

14 Apr 2020


Getting Error with Calculating Growth Rates with predefined Universal Formula

Hi Team, I'm trying to work out the %es for Growth rates within Excel course and found in the video module where the Universal formula is applied, I'm getting error despite it being correct. Here is the formula as shown in the respective class that I 'm trying to apply but getting error - I"m unable to attach the error here as I don't find how to attach the image from local desktop in this query. =IF(ISERROR((D4/C4)-1);"n.a.";IF(((D4/C4)-1)>1;">100.0%";IF(((D4/C4)-1)<-1;"<-100.0%";((D4/C4)-1)))) Error: "There is a problem with this formula" and then  it goes onto say If I were not trying to type in a formula.....
2 answers ( 0 marked as helpful)
Posted on:

14 Apr 2020

Hi! Please make sure you are using the correct argument separator. In this case, it is semicolon (;) but for your PC it may be comma (,) Best, Ned
Posted on:

02 May 2024


i got same

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