Last answered:

16 Jun 2020

Posted on:

25 May 2020


MNIST Data Load Issue

Not listed as a Super Learner even though I am almost finished with the course?

I am having an issue loading the MNIST dataset in TF2.  It looks like TF is trying to download the MNIST dataset to one path while it is already in another place yet python is not finding what it needs in the TF path.
I am operating with the py3-TF2.0 kernel.

Here is text of the first part of the error:

Downloading and preparing dataset mnist (11.06 MiB) to C:\Users\daver\tensorflow_datasets\mnist\1.0.0...


NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
~\anaconda3\envs\py3-TF2.0\lib\site-packages\tqdm\ in status_printer(_, total, desc, ncols)
     97             else:  # No total? Show info style bar with no progress tqdm status
---> 98                 pbar = IProgress(min=0, max=1)
     99                 pbar.value = 1

NameError: name 'IProgress' is not defined

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Thanks for any help provided.



1 answers ( 0 marked as helpful)
Posted on:

16 Jun 2020

Hi Don, Sorry for the wait. A webhook was broken and you did not receive your SuperLearner status, thus your question was given lower priority. In such cases, please contact us directly at and we will promptly resolve the issue. Regarding the question you've had here, could you please try installing ipywidgets? This is achieved by entering the environment and writing:
pip install ipywidgets
or if you already have it
pip install --upgrade ipywidgets
Best, The 365 Team

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