Last answered:

17 Apr 2020

Posted on:

13 Apr 2020


Video lesson: Use Sumif to Complete the Database Sheet

I was watching the video and I got some troubles on understanding why:
  • Why do we need to put $ before the column or the row?
  • Why did we put - in front of the Amounts formula Sumif?
  • Why the NET INCOMES should be zero?
1 answers ( 0 marked as helpful)
Posted on:

17 Apr 2020

Hi Elvyra, Sorry for the delayed response! I didn't see the question up until now. For further questions, feel free to email me at directly. Hope it isn't too late! Here are the answers to your questions: --> We need to add a $ sign to fix the column reference of the formula. In this way, when we paste to the right, the criteria doesn't move to the right. --> SUMIF allows us to sum the items in a column based on a criterion --> Net income's check should be 0 because we constructed a P&L and we obtained Net income from it; Pleae bear in mind that the original data source we used contained a net income calculation. So, we simply compared the two and saw whether the P&L we created showed the correct result. Hope this helps!

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