Growth Analysis with SQL, Python, and Tableau
Nikola Pulev
Gain first-hand data analyst experience: Use SQL, Python, and Tableau to tackle real-world business challenges
4 hours of content
1083 students
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- 4 hours of content
- 41 Downloadable resources
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Growth Analysis with SQL, Python, and Tableau
A course by
Nikola Pulev
Lifetime access
14-Day Money-Back Guarantee
What you get:
- 4 hours of content
- 41 Downloadable resources
- World-class instructor
- Closed captions
- Q&A support
- Future course updates
- Course exam
- Certificate of achievement
Lifetime access
Lifetime access
14-Day Money-Back Guarantee
What you get:
- 4 hours of content
- 41 Downloadable resources
- World-class instructor
- Closed captions
- Q&A support
- Future course updates
- Course exam
- Certificate of achievement
What You Learn
- Improve your SQL, Python, and Tableau proficiency by tackling complex real-world business datasets
- Interpret subscriptions and transactions data to uncover actionable insights that can boost revenue growth
- Create professional and well-formatted multi-page Tableau dashboards
- Develop sharp business acumen by using data to identify business challenges, analyse trends, and propose improvements
- Take advantage of an excellent opportunity to add a unique project to your portfolio
- Master data visualization by creating sophisticated and informative charts in Tableau
Top Choice of Leading Companies Worldwide
Industry leaders and professionals globally rely on this top-rated course to enhance their skills.
Course Description
Every company aims to maximize its market presence. Consequently, growth metrics become a primary focus for analysis and monitoring month over month. In this course, we’ll develop a dashboard for tracking growth data. Utilizing SQL and Python, we'll extract relevant data from 365's database and import it into Tableau to create a professional, multi-page dashboard. Finally, we'll explore insights and findings from the visualizations.
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1.1 What Does the Course Cover?
4 min

1.2 Motivation - Our Story
5 min

2.1 Introduction to the Project
3 min

2.2 Term Definitions - Visitors, UTMs, Channel of Acquisition
9 min

2.3 Term Definitions - User Types and Funnels
5 min

2.4 Key Questions and Metrics
5 min
Interactive Exercises
Practice what you've learned with coding tasks, flashcards, fill in the blanks, multiple choice, and other fun exercises.
Practice what you've learned with coding tasks, flashcards, fill in the blanks, multiple choice, and other fun exercises.

- 2. Case Study Overview6 Lessons 32 MinThis part introduces the terminology and highlights the essential questions for a growth dashboard. These questions will guide us in designing the dashboard's layout and graphs.Introduction to the Project3 minTerm Definitions - Visitors, UTMs, Channel of Acquisition9 minTerm Definitions - User Types and Funnels5 minKey Questions and Metrics5 minSketching the Dashboard (Part 1)5 minSketching the Dashboard (Part 2)5 min
- 3. Retrieving Relevant Data from the Database14 Lessons 84 MinHere, we explore the 365 database utilized in this Growth Analysis with SQL, Python, and Tableau course—focusing on using MySQL to extract necessary data sources for graph creation. Additionally, Python will be employed to retrieve the data source for the waterfall chart.Types of Data Access10 minThe Database - Part 17 minThe Database - Part 25 minFunnels - Theory6 minFunnel - SQL Query (Part 1)6 minFunnel - SQL Query (Part 2)6 minFunnel - SQL Query (Part 3)6 minWaterfall Chart - Theory8 minWaterfall Chart - SQL Query4 minWaterfall Chart - Processing the Data in Python (Part 1)3 minWaterfall Chart - Processing the Data in Python (Part 2)12 minWaterfall Chart - Processing the Data in Python (Part 3)7 minWaterfall Chart - Data Export (Part 4)3 minAssignment 1 - Create SQL queries Read now1 min
- 4. Crafting the Graphs18 Lessons 75 MinOnce all data sources are ready, we'll start crafting various graphs in Tableau for the dashboard, including (among others) combined bar and line charts, stacked bars, and waterfall charts. Along the way, we'll tackle unique challenges and innovative solutions—like adjusting the axis minimum, toggling labels, and conditional number formatting.The Structure of This Section2 minThe Free and Conversions Graph (Part 1)5 minThe Free and Conversions Graph (Part 2)6 minThe Free and Conversions Graph (Part 3)3 minThe Free and Conversions Graph (Part 4)6 minThe Free and Conversions Graph (Part 5)6 minAssignment 2 - Labels toggle Read now1 minThe Free and Conversions Graph (Part 6)3 minPaid per Date Graph5 minPaid per Date – Styling and Formatting6 minWaterfall Chart9 minAssignment 3 - Other Waterfall Chart Periods Read now1 minVisitors Bar Chart9 minAssignment 4 - Create Visitors Bar Chart for Monthly Read now1 minHomepage KPIs8 minAssignment 5 - Homepage KPIs for Quarterly and Annual Read now1 minAssignment 6 - Create Maps and Funnel Read now1 minThe Rest of the Graphs2 min
- 5. Assembling the Dashboard8 Lessons 37 MinWe'll organize all completed graphs across various dashboard pages, utilizing containers and navigation buttons disguised as filters to enhance user experience.Dashboard Beginings – The Title Banner10 minThe Title Banner (Part 2)5 minIncorporating the Graphs into the First Page7 minThe First Page – Continuation3 minConstructing the Second Page – Sheet Swapping6 minAssignment 7 - Populate Pages 3,4 and 5 Read now1 minAssignment 8 - Create the Homepage Read now1 minConstructing the Homepage4 min
- 6. Discussions and Insights7 Lessons 25 MinThe Growth Analysis with SQL, Python, and Tableau course’s final section is dedicated to analyzing the dashboard, gaining valuable insights, and suggesting changes that would ideally improve the platform’s performance and increase the company’s revenue.The Significance of Data Interpretation2 minFree Users Data4 minPaid Users Data6 minWaterfall Chart – Subscriptions4 minVisitors Data4 minMaps3 minClosing Thoughts2 min
Tableau DashboardMySQL queryKey Performance IndicatorsFunnelCombo ChartLine chartData AnalysisStacked Bar ChartBar chartWaterfall ChartGrowth MetricsHover TooltipData VisualizationDashboard ReportingData Preprocessing
Course Requirements
- Highly recommended to take the SQL, Intro to Python, and Intro to Tableau courses first
- You will need to install MySQL Workbench
- You will need to install Tableau Public
- You will need to install the Anaconda package, which includes Jupyter Notebook
Who Should Take This Course?
Level of difficulty: Advanced
- Aspiring data analysts
- Current data analysts who want to improve their technical and business skills
Exams and Certification
A 365 Data Science Course Certificate is an excellent addition to your LinkedIn profile—demonstrating your expertise and willingness to go the extra mile to accomplish your goals.

Meet Your Instructor

Nikola Pulev is a Natural Sciences graduate from the University of Cambridge (UK) turned data science practitioner and a course instructor at 365 Data Science. Nikola has a strong passion for mathematics, physics, and programming. Over the years, he has taken part in multiple national and international competitions, where he has won numerous awards. One of Nikola’s most notable achievements so far is his silver medal from the International Physics Olympiad.
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