Mastering Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

with Bernard Marr

The essential guide to performance management systems and KPIs in business. Discover the metrics that really matter.

3 hours 56 lessons
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56 High Quality Lessons
0 Practical Tasks
3 Hours of Content
Certificate of Achievement

Course Overview

Few people can claim they have developed more performance management systems and KPIs in business than anyone else in the world. Bernard Marr, the author of the Mastering Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) course, is one of them. With over 20 years of experience, he has consulted world-class organizations like Google, AstraZeneca, HSBC, Expedia, Walmart, Shell, T-Mobile, Toyota, the Ministry of Defense, the Home Office, the Bank of England, NATO, and the UN. His KPI training is a unique opportunity to learn how to measure what really matters in business by one of the greatest experts in the field. Having a clear understanding of what key performance indicators are is essential for any professional looking to drive organizational success and make better-informed decisions. If you‘re a junior employee, this course will equip you with fundamental KPI management skills. You'll gain a comprehensive understanding of how to use KPIs as a powerful tool to inform day-to-day operations and project work, thereby elevating your role within your organization. On the other hand, if you're a manager or part of the leadership team, you'll learn how to identify KPIs that best suit your organization and align them with your strategic long-term goals. The Mastering Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) course offers a structured learning journey introducing you to KPI fundamentals. It teaches you how to formulate key performance questions, explains the different types of KPIs organizations use, and provides you with several KPI template frameworks. Moreover, Bernard coaches you how to create KPIs in different industries. Finally, you’ll spend a significant amount of time on performance management and KPI reporting. This is a truly valuable KPI training that will boosts your business understanding and demonstrates how to use KPIs strategically.

Topics covered

Business analyticsdata analysisKPIsTheory

What You'll Learn

This Mastering Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) course has been meticulously crafted to equip you with a robust understanding of KPIs and functions, and their implementation and relevance across diverse industries. Throughout this learning journey, you will gain critical insights and the practical abilities to thrive in the realm of performance measurement and management:

Fundamentals of KPIs
Understand what matters in business
Use the Smart Strategy Board and the Mapping and Performance framework
Ask relevant key performance questions
Define KPIs
Draw insights from KPIs


Student feedback


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The course delves into the fundamentals of KPIs, equipping you with the knowledge to formulate key performance questions, identify relevant KPIs for your organization, and create impactful KPI frameworks. Marr masterfully guides you through the intricacies of KPI development and implementation, ensuring you gain the skills to tailor KPIs to specific industries and business objectives.
Very practical and straight to the point with clear examples in different domains. Templates that can be easily adapded to suit my need. Brought clarity in the role of executive to design and use KPI for beter outcome as well as constructive progress reports.
This KPI course is outstanding, actively engaging participants, providing tangible real-world examples, providing personalized feedback, imposing practical applications, and providing guidelines for impactful implementation.
Bernard Marr is very knowledgeable on the content but also has a relaxed almost conversational delivery. He makes what can be a dry topic more relatable through creative use of metaphors and real-world examples.
Great course , up to par with 365's high standards.Oly minor point is that - unlike the big courses on this platform- there were no practice exams along the way , to solidify understanding.
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Bernard Marr

“Key performance indicators serve as critical navigation tools for organizations. KPIs help them make well-informed decisions, achieve their goals, and chart a path to success in an ever-changing and competitive landscape.”

Bernard Marr

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Mastering Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

with Bernard Marr

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