Starting a Career in Data Science: Project Portfolio, Resume, and Interview Process

with Ken Jee

A data scientist’s guide to landing a data science job: portfolio, resume, and interview tips and techniques.

4 hours 52 lessons
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52 High Quality Lessons
2 Practical Tasks
4 Hours of Content
Certificate of Achievement

Course Overview

This course provides you with invaluable insights directly from a top-level data scientist with first-hand experience in recruiting skilled individuals. You will learn everything you need in order to get a competitive edge over other job candidates and start a career in data science: how to create your data science project portfolio, build your resume, get an interview through networking, succeed during the phone interview, solve the take-home test, and ace the behavioral and technical questions. The course also offers you resume templates, downloadable materials, helpful infographics, as well as a section on how to optimize your LinkedIn, Github, and Kaggle profiles for recruitment purposes.

Topics covered

Career developmentdata analysisTheory

What You'll Learn

This course delivers the skills required for gradually building a successful career in the fields of data science. You will explore invaluable insights and practices from an experienced, top-level professional.

Explore data science job leads
What defines a good data science project
Optimize your resume 
Increase your chances in an interview setting
Get insights from successful candidates for data science positions
Learn to use resume and cover letter templates to your advantage


Student feedback


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This course offers extremely valuable insights into the job-hunting process specifically for those seeking work in data science. Those who faithfully follow the lessons and advice provided will undoubtedly find employment before too long. One suggestion I have for either additional content or a sequel course is to include material related to freelancing. Not everyone wants to work for a company but would rather be their own boss.
This was an amazing course. Ken gives a treasure trove of information and tools about starting and getting into Data Science and ML. This information is invaluable to anyone just starting out in this field. I especially like the interview section where he interviews people to get information on what is expected once you get the call for a prospective employer. Excellent work Ken and keep doing it. Thanks.
It's interesting and informative... A clear breakdown of the steps any aspiring data scientist should take... I love the course (Would have been interesting to see ken building a project from the beginning on the course, but I understand it would have been probably time consuming, nonetheless this is highly detailed course I would recommend to all aspiring data scientists)
very overwhelming, some parts like building portfolio etc could be clear, that was too fat to understand for beginners. Didn't talk much about how beginners with no prior experience could start a career in data science.
I follow Ken Jee from Youtube for about 2 years already and he is the reason why I had a huge interest in this field and decided to change my career. Everything he explained was on point and clear. Huge Thanks
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Ken Jee

“Did you know that the success rate for data science applications is well below 5%? This number isn't so low because most applicants are not qualified. It's because most people don't properly showcase their work and make a compelling case for themselves to the employers. This course will teach you how to avoid these mistakes.”

Ken Jee

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Starting a Career in Data Science: Project Portfolio, Resume, and Interview Process

with Ken Jee

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