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Adds up all numbers in a specified range of cells. Syntax: =SUM(range).
Adds numbers in a range based on a single criterion. Syntax: =SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range]).
Like Sumif, but allows for multiple criteria. Syntax: =SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], ...).
Criteria in SUMIF/SUMIFS
Specific conditions that determine which cells to add, like a certain text or numerical value.
Sum Range
The cells whose values are to be added in Sumif or Sumifs functions.
Criteria Range
The range of cells where Excel looks for the specified criteria in Sumif or Sumifs functions.
Counts cells in a range that contain numbers. Syntax: =COUNT(range).
Counts all non-empty cells (including text and numbers). Syntax: =COUNTA(range).
Counts cells meeting a single specified condition. Syntax: =COUNTIF(range, criteria).
Similar to Countif, but counts cells meeting multiple conditions.
Numerical Criteria in COUNTIF/COUNTIFS
Conditions based on numerical values like greater than or less than a specified number.
Conditions based on specific text strings in cells for counting.
Multiple Conditions in COUNTIFS
Ability to use multiple ranges and criteria for complex counting tasks.
Using Quotation Marks in Criteria
How to specify conditions as text strings within quotation marks in COUNTIF and COUNTIFS functions.
Retrieves data from a column in a table based on a matching value. Syntax: =VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup])
Lookup Value in VLOOKUP
The value in Excel VLOOKUP used to find the corresponding data in a table
Table Array in VLOOKUP
The range of cells containing the data to be retrieved by VLOOKUP
Column Index Number in VLOOKUP
The column number in the table array from which to retrieve data
Range Lookup in VLOOKUP
Specifies whether VLOOKUP should find an exact match (FALSE) or an approximate match (TRUE)
Similar to VLOOKUP, but retrieves data based on a row instead of a column. Syntax: =HLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, row_index_num, [range_lookup])
Retrieves a value from a specified position within a range. Syntax: =INDEX(array, row_num, [column_num])
Array in INDEX
The range of cells where the Index function searches for the specified value
Row and Column Numbers in INDEX
Specifies the exact position in the array to retrieve the value from
Returns the relative position of an item in a range matching a specified value. Syntax: =MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type])
Lookup Value in MATCH
The value for which Match searches within the array
Lookup Array in MATCH
The range of cells where Match looks for the lookup value
Match Type in MATCH
Determines whether Match finds an exact match (0) or the closest match
Calculates the arithmetic mean of a range of numbers. Syntax: =AVERAGE(number1, [number2], ...)
Computes the average of numbers in a range based on a specific criterion. Syntax: =AVERAGEIF(range, criteria, [average_range])
Identifies the highest value in a specified range of numbers. Syntax: =MAX(number1, [number2], ...)
Determines the lowest value in a given array of numbers. Syntax: =MIN(number1, [number2], ...)
Selects a value from a list based on a specified position number. Syntax: =CHOOSE(index_num, value1, [value2], ...)
Goal Seek
A "What-if" analysis tool in Excel for finding required input values to achieve a specific goal. Part of the Data tab under What-if Analysis
Extracts a specified number of characters from the start of a text string. Syntax: =LEFT(text, num_chars)
Retrieves a specified number of characters from the end of a text string. Syntax: =RIGHT(text, num_chars)
Selects characters from a text string starting at a specified position. Syntax: =MID(text, start_num, num_chars)
Converts all characters in a text string to uppercase. Syntax: =UPPER(text)
Transforms all characters in a text string to lowercase. Syntax: =LOWER(text)
Capitalizes the first letter of each word in a text string. Syntax: =PROPER(text)
Joins multiple text strings into one string. Syntax: =CONCATENATE(text1, [text2], ...)
Adjusts a number to a specified number of decimal places. Syntax: =ROUND(number, num_digits)
Manages errors by replacing them with a specified value. Syntax: =IFERROR(value, value_if_error)
Evaluates multiple conditions and returns TRUE if any one of them is true. Syntax: =OR(logical1, [logical2], ...)