Intro to ChatGPT Flashcards

Author: Ned Krastev Cards: 36

Discover the world of artificial intelligence with our intro to ChatGPT flashcards. Learn basic AI terms and enhance your ChatGPT skills for free. Our glossary tool covers essential ChatGPT terminology for maximizing productivity with OpenAI's software. Dive into our intro to ChatGPT flashcards to grasp key concepts like generative AI, contextual awareness, machine learning, computer vision, NLP, and large language models (LLMs). We explain prompt engineering and how to create effective ChatGPT prompts—highlighting top commands to enhance your tool use. Learn AI basics with our intro to ChatGPT flashcards, designed by a world-class instructor whose courses have reached millions globally. Organizations globally are accelerating their AI adoption. Kickstart your journey with our ChatGPT flashcards to grasp foundational concepts. This time investment will multiply in value. For those seeking top AI courses, our intro to ChatGPT course features engaging videos and clear explanations. Enhance your ChatGPT efficiency and unlock new AI tools to use. Our intro to ChatGPT flashcards closely align with the course content, displaying all terms in their appearance order. Following 365's mission, our study cards offer free, high-quality resources worldwide—enabling you to enhance your technical skills and learn AI from scratch. A plethora of valuable knowledge awaits. Don't delay—master ChatGPT today!

Discover the world of artificial intelligence with our intro to ChatGPT flashcards. Learn basic AI terms and enhance your ChatGPT skills for free. Our glossary tool covers essential ChatGPT terminology for maximizing productivity with OpenAI's software. Dive into our intro to ChatGPT flashcards to grasp key concepts like generative AI, contextual awareness, machine learning, computer vision, NLP, and large language models (LLMs). We explain prompt engineering and how to create effective ChatGPT prompts—highlighting top commands to enhance your tool use. Learn AI basics with our intro to ChatGPT flashcards, designed by a world-class instructor whose courses have reached millions globally. Organizations globally are accelerating their AI adoption. Kickstart your journey with our ChatGPT flashcards to grasp foundational concepts. This time investment will multiply in value. For those seeking top AI courses, our intro to ChatGPT course features engaging videos and clear explanations. Enhance your ChatGPT efficiency and unlock new AI tools to use. Our intro to ChatGPT flashcards closely align with the course content, displaying all terms in their appearance order. Following 365's mission, our study cards offer free, high-quality resources worldwide—enabling you to enhance your technical skills and learn AI from scratch. A plethora of valuable knowledge awaits. Don't delay—master ChatGPT today!

Explore the Flashcards:

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A conversational AI model capable of understanding and generating human-like text based on user prompts.

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A company known for its work in the field of AI and machine learning. Creator of ChatGPT.

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Technology that enables machines to mimic human intelligence and behavior.

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Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT)

An advanced AI model used for generating human-like text. It learns from a vast range of internet text to respond to queries in a conversational manner.

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Generative AI

A type of AI that generates new content, including text, images, or music, based on learned patterns and data.

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Contextual Awareness

The ability to understand the context in which a conversation or task is taking place. Essential for effective use of AI tools like ChatGPT.

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Machine Learning

A subfield of AI where algorithms learn from data, identify patterns, and make decisions with minimal human intervention.

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Deep Learning

A subset of machine learning involving neural networks with many layers, enabling complex pattern recognition and decision-making.

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Natural Language Processing (NLP)

An AI subfield focused on the interaction between computers and human language.

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Computer Vision

An AI field that enables computers to interpret and process visual information from the world, similar to human vision.

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The branch of AI involving the design, construction, operation, and use of robots.

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Speech Recognition

AI technology that recognizes and transcribes spoken language into text.

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Large Language Models (LLMs)

A category within NLP, including models like ChatGPT, known for their massive size and extensive training data.

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Weak AI

AI designed for specific, narrow tasks, as opposed to General AI which can perform various tasks with human-like capability.

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General AI

AI that can understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks, similar to human intelligence.

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Superintelligent AI

Hypothetical AI that surpasses human intelligence in nearly all cognitive tasks, still a concept rather than reality.

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An AI system by OpenAI capable of generating images from textual descriptions.

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Alphabet's Large Language Model (LLM) project, designed to provide information retrieval with simple answers, capable of considering real-time information.

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LlAmA (Meta)

An open-source Large Language Model by Meta, aimed at democratizing access to AI research, especially for those with limited infrastructure.

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Prompt Engineering

The skill of effectively designing questions and inputs for AI systems to maximize their output quality and relevance. It has become increasingly important with the rise of AI tools like ChatGPT.

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Contextual Understanding

Тhe importance of including adequate background information and specific details in prompts.

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5W1H Framework

Asking What, Who, Where, Why, Which, How.

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Follow-Up Prompt

Can provide additional context, clarify requirements, or correct misunderstandings.

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Multi-Perspective Responses

ChatGPT's ability to provide responses from various viewpoints allows users to explore different aspects, nuances, and implications of a topic.

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When ChatGPT's response is cut short due to length constraints, typing 'CONTINUE' prompts the AI to complete its thought or sentence.

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If the initial response from ChatGPT lacks detail, using 'ELABORATE' can help obtain more comprehensive information.

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Useful for analyzing and contrasting different options, such as business strategies, technologies, or theories, to aid in decision-making.

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Pros and Cons Analysis

Asking ChatGPT to list the advantages and disadvantages of a particular approach or concept, or even playing Devil’s advocate to critique decisions.

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Simulating conversations, such as practicing a sales pitch or preparing for investor meetings by having ChatGPT roleplay as a customer or investor.

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Helpful for improving writing clarity and conciseness, particularly useful for non-native speakers or for condensing lengthy texts.

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Translating text into different languages, assisting in communication across language barriers.

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These commands are valuable for breaking down complex topics into understandable segments, aiding in learning and comprehension.

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Troubleshooting Assistance

Using ChatGPT to solve problems in areas like coding or Excel formulas, acting as a virtual assistant for technical issues.

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Generating ideas and suggestions, especially useful in creative processes like planning social media content or business strategies.

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AI Limitations

Recognizing that, despite its advanced capabilities, ChatGPT is a text-based model that may not always provide accurate or reliable information.

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AI Hallucination

Being aware that an AI can sometimes generate incorrect or misleading information known as "hallucinations".