MySQL for Data Analytics Flashcards

Author: Martin Ganchev Cards: 78

Are you wondering how to learn data analytics efficiently? Our MySQL for data analytics flashcards are designed to streamline your understanding of database operations and SQL querying for insightful data analysis. This deck is a prime resource for those aiming to excel in your SQL data analyst job, offering a deep dive into the structural and procedural aspects of MySQL, a pivotal tool in database analytics. You'll start with the SQL Engine, understanding its role as the heart of database operations, crucial for SQL use in data analysis. You'll learn about stored routines and how they can automate complex query flows, simplifying tasks with procedures and their parameter, essential for effective SQL data analysis. The deck provides a visual aid with Venn diagrams to conceptualize JOIN operations and aggregate functions like COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX, and AVG, which are instrumental in summarizing large datasets for database analytics. Our MySQL for data analytics flashcards further explore the foundations of SQL syntax with user-defined functions, delimiters, and the BEGIN-END block structure for transaction control, enhancing your SQL experience. You'll delve into the optimization strategies with MySQL indexes and grasp the significance of inner and outer SELECT statements for nested querying - a key skill in MySQL analytics. MySQL for data analytics flashcards ensures you understand how to manipulate and redefine database structures with the ALTER, DROP, TRUNCATE, and CREATE statements, and you'll practice managing data with INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations. You'll also compare the nuances between TRUNCATE and DELETE, ensuring you choose the right operation for efficient data management. Understanding SQL for data analytics is crucial for managing and interpreting complex datasets effectively, aligning with the core principles of data analytics and business intelligence. Learn how to control access to your databases with GRANT and REVOKE statements, and ensure data integrity with COMMIT and ROLLBACK operations, along with the strategic use of SAVEPOINTS – all foundational for data analyzer roles. You'll familiarize yourself with the syntax and use of SQL clauses like FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, and HAVING, as well as understand the differences and applications of WHERE vs. HAVING. Master the art of SQL joins, including INNER, LEFT, RIGHT, and FULL joins, and learn the unique utility of self joins, a critical aspect of the SQL report builder. The deck introduces the use of aliases for simplification and various SQL operators—IN, LIKE, BETWEEN…AND…, EXISTS, NOT EXISTS—that facilitate precise data retrieval, which is another vital skill in learning data analytics. In this way, you're building a solid foundation for a successful SQL data analyst job, where these competencies are highly valued. Whether you're an aspiring data analyst or a seasoned database professional, our MySQL for data analytics flashcards are your gateway to mastering MySQL operations, enhancing your SQL fluency, and leveraging data for analytical insights. After completing the deck, you'll find that your SQL use becomes more intuitive and effective, enabling you to tackle complex data challenges with confidence. Begin your knowledge quest with essential data analytics resources – access our free MySQL for data analytics flashcards now.

Are you wondering how to learn data analytics efficiently? Our MySQL for data analytics flashcards are designed to streamline your understanding of database operations and SQL querying for insightful data analysis. This deck is a prime resource for those aiming to excel in your SQL data analyst job, offering a deep dive into the structural and procedural aspects of MySQL, a pivotal tool in database analytics. You'll start with the SQL Engine, understanding its role as the heart of database operations, crucial for SQL use in data analysis. You'll learn about stored routines and how they can automate complex query flows, simplifying tasks with procedures and their parameter, essential for effective SQL data analysis. The deck provides a visual aid with Venn diagrams to conceptualize JOIN operations and aggregate functions like COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX, and AVG, which are instrumental in summarizing large datasets for database analytics. Our MySQL for data analytics flashcards further explore the foundations of SQL syntax with user-defined functions, delimiters, and the BEGIN-END block structure for transaction control, enhancing your SQL experience. You'll delve into the optimization strategies with MySQL indexes and grasp the significance of inner and outer SELECT statements for nested querying - a key skill in MySQL analytics. MySQL for data analytics flashcards ensures you understand how to manipulate and redefine database structures with the ALTER, DROP, TRUNCATE, and CREATE statements, and you'll practice managing data with INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations. You'll also compare the nuances between TRUNCATE and DELETE, ensuring you choose the right operation for efficient data management. Understanding SQL for data analytics is crucial for managing and interpreting complex datasets effectively, aligning with the core principles of data analytics and business intelligence. Learn how to control access to your databases with GRANT and REVOKE statements, and ensure data integrity with COMMIT and ROLLBACK operations, along with the strategic use of SAVEPOINTS – all foundational for data analyzer roles. You'll familiarize yourself with the syntax and use of SQL clauses like FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, and HAVING, as well as understand the differences and applications of WHERE vs. HAVING. Master the art of SQL joins, including INNER, LEFT, RIGHT, and FULL joins, and learn the unique utility of self joins, a critical aspect of the SQL report builder. The deck introduces the use of aliases for simplification and various SQL operators—IN, LIKE, BETWEEN…AND…, EXISTS, NOT EXISTS—that facilitate precise data retrieval, which is another vital skill in learning data analytics. In this way, you're building a solid foundation for a successful SQL data analyst job, where these competencies are highly valued. Whether you're an aspiring data analyst or a seasoned database professional, our MySQL for data analytics flashcards are your gateway to mastering MySQL operations, enhancing your SQL fluency, and leveraging data for analytical insights. After completing the deck, you'll find that your SQL use becomes more intuitive and effective, enabling you to tackle complex data challenges with confidence. Begin your knowledge quest with essential data analytics resources – access our free MySQL for data analytics flashcards now.

Explore the Flashcards:

1 of 78

Stored Routine

A set of SQL statements saved and executed as a unit.

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Query Flow

The sequence or order in which SQL statements are executed.

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IN Parameter

A parameter in a stored procedure that doesn't allow input values to be passed.

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OUT Parameter

A parameter in a stored procedure that returns a value to the caller.

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Venn Diagram

A diagram representing mathematical or logical sets pictorially as circles.

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Aggregated Data (SQL)

A single value (such as an average or a sum) obtained after combining a set of values.

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Base Tables

Tables from a database storing data physically (i.e. on the disk).

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Invoking a Procedure

The process of executing a stored procedure in the database.

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User-Defined Functions

Functions created by the user to perform specific tasks and return values.

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A character or sequence of characters used to specify the boundary between elements. The default delimiter in MySQL is ;.

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Temporary Delimiter

A delimiter used temporarily to define and specify the boundary between elements when the default delimiter ( ; ) is part of the given SQL statement.

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A block of code in MySQL where global variables are often defined and used.

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MySQL Indexes

Database objects that improve the speed of data retrieval operations on a database table.

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Inner SELECT Statement (a subquery)

A SELECT statement employed within a larger query or subquery.

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DISTINCT keyword

An SQL keyword used for returning unique values from a query result set.

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AS Keyword

An SQL keyword used for renaming a column or table in the query result.

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An SQL keyword used for adding new elements, such as columns to a table.

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A stored routine that returns a value.

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Aggregate Functions

Functions in SQL that perform a calculation on a set of values and return a single value.

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COUNT() Function

Returns the number of rows that match a specified criterion.

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SUM() Function

An aggregate function in SQL that returns the sum of a set of values or an expression.

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MIN() Function

An aggregate function that returns the smallest value in a set of values.

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MAX() Function

An aggregate function that returns the largest value in a set of values.

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AVG() Function

An aggregate function that returns the average value of a numeric column.

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COALESCE() Function

Returns the first non-null value in a list.

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ALTER statement

An SQL Statement used to alter existing objects.

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DROP statement

An SQL Statement used for deleting a database object.

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TRUNCATE statement

An SQL Statement used for removing data from a table without deleting the table.

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SELECT statement

Retrieves data from database objects like tables.


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Outer SELECT Statement

The main query in which a subquery (inner SELECT) is nested.

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INSERT statement

An SQL Statement used to insert data into tables.

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UPDATE statement

An SQL Statement used to renew existing data in tables.

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DELETE statement

An SQL Statement used for removing specified data from a table.

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CREATE statement

An SQL Statement used for creating databases and database objects.

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SQL command to select a particular database as a default (current) database to work within your session.

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The TRUNCATE Statement is used to remove all the records contained in a table, while with DELETE,

you can specify precisely which records you would like to remove.

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Rights granted to users or roles in a database that define the level of access

and types of operations they are allowed to perform.

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GRANT statement

An SQL Statement used for providing certain permissions to users.

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REVOKE statement

An SQL Statement used for revoking permissions and privileges of database users.

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COMMIT statement

An SQL Statement used for saving changes made in a database transaction.

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An SQL clause used for reverting changes made in a transaction to the last committed state.

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An SQL Statement that sets a point within a transaction to which you can later roll back.

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An SQL clause used in a statement to specify the table (or tables) to retrieve data from.

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An SQL clause used for filtering the results returned by the SELECT statement.

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An SQL keyword used to automatically propagate specific changes through the database.

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A referential action for a foreign key that deletes records in child tables

when the corresponding record in the parent table is deleted.

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An SQL Clause used with aggregate functions (such as COUNT()) to group the result set by one or more columns.

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An SQL clause that allows you to sort the result set of a query by one or more columns.

It can sort the data in ascending or descending order.

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By default, the ORDER BY clause sorts the data in ascending order. To specify the sorting order explicitly,

you can use either the ASC or the DESC keyword to ascertain an ascending order of the output values or change it into a descending order, respectively.

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An SQL clause used with GROUP BY to filter groups based on certain conditions.

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The WHERE clause allows us to set conditions referring to subsets of individual rows applied before re-organizing the output into groups, while HAVING is applied after the organization of the output into groups. Also, you cannot have aggregated conditions in the WHERE clause.

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LIMIT Clause

An SQL clause used to specify the maximum number of records to return.

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SET Clause (in UPDATE)

An SQL clause specifying the columns to be updated, as well as their new values.

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Wildcard Characters

Special characters used in SQL for pattern matching.

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Star Symbol (*)

A special character in SQL used for selecting all columns in a table.

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Join Types

Different methods used in SQL queries to combine rows from two or more tables based on related columns.

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Related Column

A table column that is used to establish a relationship with the column of another table through related data. 'Related columns' are fundamental to creating relational databases.

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Matching Values

Actual data entries in different tables or columns that are identical or related based on certain conditions.

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A SQL clause used to combine rows from two or more tables, based on one or more related columns.

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JOIN Condition

The condition specified in the JOIN clause to determine how to join the designated tables.

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An SQL clause returning all relevant rows when there is a match in both tables.

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An SQL clause returning all records from the left table and matching records from the right table, or NULL if there is no match.

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An SQL clause returning all records from the right table and matched records from the left table, or NULL if there is no match.

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A returned value indicating no matching records found in the right table for a record in the left table.

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A returned value indicating no matching records found in the left table for a record in the right table.

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Full Join

A JOIN operation that returns all the rows from both designated tables regardless if there is a match in any of the tables.

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Self Join

Applied when a table must join itself.

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An alternate name given to a column or table in SQL queries.

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IN Operator

An SQL operator used for checking if a value is within a set of values.

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LIKE Operator

An SQL operator used for pattern matching in string comparison.

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BETWEEN… AND… Operator

An SQL operator used for filtering results within a specified range.

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A logical operator used to test for the existence of rows in a subquery.

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A logical operator used to test for the absence of rows in a subquery.

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UNION Operator

An SQL operator that combines the result set of two or more SELECT statements excluding duplicate records.

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An SQL operator that combines the results of two SELECT statements including duplicate records.

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At' Sign (@) in MySQL

Used to define user-defined variables.

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SQL Engine (also Database Engine)

The part of a database that executes queries and retrieves data.

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A stored routine that performs a specific action but does not return a value.