Alternative formula for TotalSalesAmount
I get the same result using
1) TotalSalesAmount = CALCULATE(sum(fact_InternetSales[SalesAmount]))
1) TotalSalesAmount = CALCULATE(sum(fact_InternetSales[SalesAmount]))
instead of
2) TotalSalesAmount = SUM(fact_InternetSales[SalesAmount])
What is the difference between using the 1) and using the 2) formula?
Note: You are also using the 1) formula in part 2 for calculating the %SalesAmointUnitedStates

2) TotalSalesAmount = SUM(fact_InternetSales[SalesAmount])
What is the difference between using the 1) and using the 2) formula?
Note: You are also using the 1) formula in part 2 for calculating the %SalesAmointUnitedStates

1 answers ( 0 marked as helpful)
The formula is not the same, we have CALCULATE inside we have SUM and ALL operator to create the denominator for the percentage.