Super learner
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Last answered:

05 Jan 2023

Posted on:

26 Dec 2022


Resolved: How is the monthly top 30 determined?

Hi, how are the top 30 learners for the month determined? I have been monitoring the XP for the current month, and my monthly XP should fall in the top 30 learners if XP is the determining factor. So, are there other factors to determine the top 30 learners?

4 answers ( 1 marked as helpful)
Posted on:

03 Jan 2023


Hey Michael,

Thank you for your question.
XP is the only determining factor but we are looking at the monthly XP for all learners from all leagues. For example, someone from league 4 may have studied twice as much as someone in league 10 in that given month. If we assume that a month has 4 weeks, then Person A may have advanced from League 7 to League 10 with an overall monthly XP of 1000 but Person B may have advanced from League 1 to League 4 with a monthly XP of 1800. In other words, the top 30 list may entirely be comprised of students from lower leagues for a given month.

Hope this clarifies it a bit.

Best wishes,

Super learner
This user is a Super Learner. To become a Super Learner, you need to reach Level 8.
Posted on:

03 Jan 2023


Thank you, Ivan, for responding! Yes, your explanation does make sense. It would make sense that a newer student would spend more time mastering the content.And the higher you go, the more difficult it is to gain XP. But I still have questions I hope can be clarified. I went to the XP page and ran a report of my XP Month to Date and running 30 day total (so go back to the previous month for that day + 1), and I show XP for those periods that should fall in the top 30 according to the XP of the top 30 candidates. Sorry to be a bother, but I am an inquisitive child. :)

Posted on:

05 Jan 2023


Hi Michael,
You are absolutely right. There was a mistake in our system. Devs are working to release a fix. Thank you for pointing this out!

Super learner
This user is a Super Learner. To become a Super Learner, you need to reach Level 8.
Posted on:

05 Jan 2023


Your very welcome!

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