Index and Match exercise tried the exact formula yet all results are N/A?
I tried the exact formula you recommend =INDEX('1.1 FY2016'!B$5:B$61,MATCH('2.1 Database'!$B61,'1.1 FY2016'!$G$5:$G$61,0)) and its not producing results. while the equivalent in the VLOOKUP previous exercise worked perfectly. This time it gives N/A to ALL values on the Database sheet. How could i fix that?
Did you link to the correct sheet, please? We have FY 2015, FY2016, and FY2017 (if I'm not mistaken). Sometimes you'll not find a match for certain values if you're linking to the incorrect sheet for that particular code. Please feel free to send me a screenshot here. Thanks!

I am having the same problem. Was this ever resolved?
You used a comma before match not a semi-colon (;)
@ Esther Ukeje- my versuon of Excel uses comma not semi colon. I do not have any issues.
I believe the wrong sheet is linked. Please see the screenshot of sheet FY2016 below. Column G has account number, instead it should have codes. I tried to copy and paste the code column from B to G but no luck. After paste, even column G hjas codes but the code in first cell is not matching to the MATCH arguements.

@Ned, please check and upload correct sheet.