Inquiry on Teaching Methodology
Hi - I'm considering the Data Analyst career track and want to learn more about how the courses are taught. Are they all videos or is there a cosole where I can write code alongside the lessons?
Hi Michael,
Thanks for reaching out!
At this point we don't have coding in the browser. You will have to download Anaconda and use Jupyter (as you would actually have to do on the job!). This has some disadvantages and many advantages (loading speed, learning how to work in the same environment as in the workplace, not being limited in terms of libraries that are supported, etc.) There are some great providers (Dataquest, Datacamp) who offer coding in the browser, feel free to check their learning solutions. We will be really happy if you decide you want to take our courses at some point!
Hey Ned - thanks for clarifying!
I actually signed up to your data analyst career track :).
In addition, I plan to learn python on DataCamps platform in conjunction with 365 DS.
Courses look good so far so I look forward to completing it!
Great to hear! Appreciate it, Michael!