Resolved: Ken Jee - Jeff Li upcoming course
In the upcoming section of the website there was a course with Ken Jee - Jeff Li. Now that course is not shown on anywhere. Did the coure cancelled or something ??
Hey Muhittin,
Thank you for your question.
The course is no longer in the Upcoming courses section because it was released at the end of November 2022. Here is a link for quick access:
Hope this helps!
Best wishes,
Hi Ivan,
I saw upcoming course from Jeff Li about ML Algorithms as well and even Jeff Li mentioned it during his course ML A-Z that there will be one more course specifically about algorithms. Does this course still planed?
Best regards,
Hi Vlad,
Yes, this course is planned and we are working on it. Should be live by the end of February hopefully. It is a rather large course with plenty of examples.
Hi Ned Krastev,
Is this course available yet?