Last answered:

15 Feb 2023

Posted on:

15 Feb 2023


Lost my 30+ learning streak


I missed opening my course yesterday, and I'm worried that I'll lose my 30+ day streak. I understand that I can use my coins to freeze a day and prevent this from happening. Can you please provide me with instructions on how to use my coins to freeze the day?

Thank you for your assistance."

3 answers ( 0 marked as helpful)
Posted on:

15 Feb 2023


Hey Mohamed,

Sure, you can use coins to buy freezes via the "Buy freezes" button. And then freeze as many days as you have freezes for via the adjacent button "Freeze streak".

Hope this helps!



Posted on:

15 Feb 2023


Dear Ivan,

Thank you for letting me know that I can use coins to buy freezes and then use them to freeze my learning streak. However, I have missed a day of learning, and I do not want to lose my learning streak. Unfortunately, it seems that I cannot use this method to freeze a day in the past. Is there any other way I can freeze my streak for the day I missed so that I do not lose my progress?

I appreciate your help and look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards, Mohamed ELBORAIE

Posted on:

15 Feb 2023


Hello Mohamed,

Our developers did their best and have managed to restore your streak. In future keep in mind that you should use freezes in advance. In other words a day/s before you intend or you think you would miss your lessons. Thank you for your support!


Best regards,

The 365 Team

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