Last answered:

10 Apr 2020

Posted on:

13 Jan 2020


Power BI final project

Hi, I am now up to the final project for Power BI but I'm really stuck and don't know why :( I created the TotalSalesAmountALL to calculate the absolute total sales figure this like this: TotalSalesAmountALL = CALCULATE([TotalSalesAmount],ALL(dim_Currency)) I have created the %sales measure with this formula:
%Sales = DIVIDE([TotalSalesAmount],[TotalSalesAmountALL])*100 The %Sales I create for each country all have 100%. I checked the lecture multiple times but the formulas are exactly the same.  What could be the problem?
2 answers ( 0 marked as helpful)
Posted on:

13 Jan 2020

Hi there :) If you are completely sure that all three measures you need: TotalSalesAmount, TotalSalesAmountALL and %Sales are calculated  n the same way as shown in the video, please take a look at your filter. You should be using dim_Currency -> CurrencyAlternateKey as your filter. I’d suggest you to delete the current filter you’re using and create a new one and then check if you have the right percentages showing. 😊 Hope this helps!
Posted on:

10 Apr 2020

I had this same problem and solved it by doing TotalSalesAmountALL = CALCULATE([TotalSalesAmount],ALL(dim_Currency), ALL(dim_SalesTeritory)) (Note that the table has 'territory' misspelled, so be sure to reference the table correctly).  The table is made from countries from the dim_SalesTeritory table, so the calculate aggregate function needs to ensure that it is not filtered by countries in the table.

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