Last answered:

14 Nov 2020

Posted on:

11 Aug 2020


Tableau Filtering Not Working

Having trouble in the tableau course. The "Adding Interactive Filters for Improved Analysis (3:54)" video provides instruction as to how you can apply one filter to multiple sheets, which begins at approximately 1:25 in the video. For some reason, tableau is not allowing me to apply the filter to chart 3. In the "Apply Filter to Worksheets" dialog box under the worksheets column chart 3 is greyed out and under the relationship column for chart 3 it says none. But I have that chart in my dashboard, so I'm not sure how there is no relationship.

2 answers ( 0 marked as helpful)
Posted on:

11 Aug 2020

*Update* I figured out the problem. I was creating new worksheets instead of duplicating the first worksheet. When I duplicated the first worksheet and turned it into Chart 3, I was able to add chart three to the universal audiobook name filter.  *New Question* Do you always have to duplicate sheets in order to filter dashboards across multiple charts/worksheets in tableau? Or should you be able to do this filtering exercise with newly created sheets as opposed to duplicating? And why?
Posted on:

14 Nov 2020

You don't need to duplicate sheets for filter across sheets. To filter all worksheets on a dashboard, for example, show the filter on the dashboard. Then, on the dashboard, click into the filter settings and apply to all sheets on the dashboard. It's simple :-)

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