Using Free Online version of Excel to Create a Bridge Chart
how do I select a single data point using the free online version of Excel (not Excel 2016 or Excel 365)?
When I try to click a single data point it selects all the data points.
I'm trying to set the EBITDA to "Set as Total".
It seems to be possible because in my screenshot the chart on the left is the one that came with the spreadsheet and the chart on the left is the one I created. I just can't seem to select a single data point.
Thank you!

Good to hear from you and thanks for the question. In this case, all you need to do is to double-click on a single point to select only that point. You try that and this should solve your problem.
Double click works on the Excel 2016 or Excel 365. However on the free online version of Excel, it doesn't work, not for me anyways. I've been double clicking like crazy.
As well would you know about the sparklines chart for the free online version of Excel? If a sparkline has already been created in an existing file, I can see it and copy and paste it in the online version. But if it doesn't exist, I don't see an option to create one.
Thank you.
Hey Quang, I'm afraid I don't have any experience with the free version of Excel.. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to help in this case..