Data-Driven Business Growth

with Davis Balaba and Tina Huang

This course will teach you how to adopt a growth mindset in your organization, unlock the power of data-driven decision-making, and create real business value. You will learn from a data science manager and data scientist with experience working in one of the largest tech companies in the world.

4 hours 38 lessons
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38 High Quality Lessons
0 Practical Tasks
4 Hours of Content
Certificate of Achievement

Course Overview

The growth mindset requires you to adopt a 3-step process: devise clear hypotheses, explore and rank said hypotheses, test fast and learn faster. In this course, Tina and Davis will take you on an amazing and rewarding journey. Structured in a clear and easy-to-follow way, the course describes each of the 3 levels of data maturity, provides related real-world case studies, and advises you on how to get to the next stage. You will also learn how to ask for more funding from key decision-makers. Data-driven Growth is suitable for individuals working in small, mid-sized, and large companies. It can be highly beneficial for data science managers, business executives, data scientists, and data analysts. The skills you will gain include Data-driven decision-making, Growth mindset, Digital marketing analytics, E-commerce analytics, A/B testing and Spreadsheet analysis.

Topics covered

A/B testingdata analysisData-driven decision-makingDigital analyticsE-commerce analyticsGoogle SheetsGrowth mindsetSpreadsheet analysisTheory

What You'll Learn

Adopting a growth mindset means you will be able to take advantage of data to navigate your business in the right direction. The course will teach you the fundamentals when it comes to analyzing the customer journey and extracting actionable insights that drive meaningful business results. You will learn how to:

Get to the next data maturity stage
Devise clear hypotheses
Explore and rank hypotheses
Uncover hidden insights through data exploration
Establish key metrics
Ask decision-makers for more funding


Student feedback


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The funnel analysis was amazing. The methodology con get the conclusion, identify the hyphotesis and risk of each top, mid, button perfect. At final measure what is the better path and run a/b testing to clarify the options was perfect. Thank you for the path. I need to review sometimes.
The course was exciting and explained in a good way, I really appreciated Davis's efforts, just 2 comments the first one needs a more practical example, and in the second comment, Tina explained her part in a fast way.
More can be accomplished when data literacy and higher levels of data maturity were the key take aways that I got from this course. Closing the knowing and doing gap is by practicing the projects. Great learning!
The course is excellent, I liked the concept of data maturity and how to approach data in each level, the only one thing I struggled with is the speed.
The information is good and useful but voice tone from instructor is so low and weak, sometimes i can understand what is he trying to communicate.
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Davis Balaba

“Does the growth mindset apply to all industries and verticals? Yes, it does. Any vertical in which you can have multiple challenges and possible solutions can benefit from the growth mindset.”

Tina Huang

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Data-Driven Business Growth

with Davis Balaba and Tina Huang

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