Git and GitHub

with Giles McMullen-Klein

Teaching you the key concepts of version control with Git and GitHub for data scientists.

1 hour 12 lessons
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12 High Quality Lessons
1 Practical Tasks
1 Hour of Content
Certificate of Achievement

Course Overview

In this course, you will learn the basics of version control for data science with Git. Git is a free and open-source distributed version control system designed to handle projects of different size, speed, and efficiency. Git has a tiny footprint with lightning-fast performance. Not only that, but it’s also great for anyone who wants to be working on code, making extra changes and still be able to go back to an earlier version.

Topics covered

Career developmentGitTheory

What You'll Learn

Git and GitHub are essential tools for anyone who wants to work on a particular code with teammates, make various modifications, be able to go back to an earlier working version, or simply share his work online. Here, you will learn how to make such operations.

Use Git for version control 
Handle basic Git commands 
Explore the Git log 
Understand the meaning of 'branching'  
Use GitHub for storing your work online 
Save files online with GitHub 


  • Course Introduction Free
    1 Lesson 6 Min

    In this section, we look at why you should learn how to use Git for version control. Git is a particularly useful tool that will help you keep track of your projects and all the major changes you make in your code. GitHub, on the other hand, enables you to store your code online so you and others can have access to it to create a truly collaborative project. And if that's not enough, working with Git is also a near requirement for any data scientist today.

    Introduction - Git and GitHub Free
  • Introduction to Git Free
    8 Lessons 34 Min

    Here, you will learn how to install and configure Git on your machines, whether you’re a MAC fan or you prefer to use Windows. We will go through the basic command that will give you a solid foundation and understanding of how Git works. You’ll learn how to keep a record of all major changes you make to a document. You will get acquainted with the use of notes while working on several versions of your document. In addition, we will show you how to revisit every record that you’ve made, and how to track its evolution. What is more, we will touch on Branching and will teach you how to work with several people on a single document.

    Installing Git Free
    Configure Git Free
    Basic commands Free
    Exploring Git log Free
    Git diff Free
    HEAD Free
    Making corrections Git reset Free
    Branching Free
  • GitHub
    2 Lessons 5 Min

    In this section, we will cover GitHub and discuss some of the benefits of saving your documents online.

  • Conclusion
    1 Lesson 4 Min

    A short overview of what we've discussed so far in the course, some parting words of encouragement and advice... and a sincere thank you!


Student feedback


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I really enjoyed this course. The instructor is very clear and explains the concepts of Git and GitHub in a very simple way. The examples he uses are perfect for understanding the concepts. I finished the course with a great learning experience and with the confidence that I can use Git and GitHub in my projects. I recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn Git and GitHub from scratch. I also appreciated the instructor's British pronunciation, which was so clear and precise that it helped me to improve my own English skills. Greetings from Argentina!
The instructor was great, the ideas explained very well, but I didn't feel that I fulfil my needs in learning git & github very well, so I need to look for other courses to gain more knowledge, plus there is no documentations or summaries that covered the main and most important ideas and instructions that used in this course, I think it was too short. As an introduction it was a good one, but actually I've expected more comparing to other courses in this great platform.
GREAT!!! The best course I took in 365 Data Science until now. The pace is perfect and I really appreciate Giles teaching style and passion. Compared to the over-edition, animations and almost robotic voice of some of the other courses, the naturalness of the delivery is very refreshing. Looking forward to Giles Python Boot camp, to review and sharpen my python. 10 stars!
I would have liked to learn more about forking repos and a bit more about integration of Git with CI/CD tools. Even though git pull and fetch are recommended for self-study, it would still be good to cover these even briefly. Would be also helpful to know what files should not be stored on Git (e.g., data etc).
Extremely poor delivery for the audience type (Beginners). x Speed is too high. x Some parts too edited I(video chopped and pasted) x Delivered in MAC without providing guidance for other OS (Maybe a cheatsheet on the differences in commands??). x No response to questions by the looks of things.
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Giles McMullen-Klein

“Git is definitely worth your while in terms of the time needed to learn it. Most employers would expect you to have working knowledge of how to use Git. This is a version control system that will prove to be indispensible in your projects.”

Giles McMullen-Klein

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Git and GitHub

with Giles McMullen-Klein

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