Intermediate Python Programming

with Martin Ganchev

This course teaches you how to work with text data, list comprehensions, anonymous (Lambda) functions, and other Python tools that will be your indispensable stepping stones to becoming an advanced Python user.

1 hour 13 lessons
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13 High Quality Lessons
1 Practical Tasks
1 Hour of Content
Certificate of Achievement

Course Overview

This course is short yet intense. We assume you’re no stranger to Jupyter and Python fundamentals, such as conditionals, functions, sequences, and iterations. Nevertheless, a lack of experience working with text data, list comprehensions, and anonymous (Lambda) functions would immediately reveal to your data science colleagues that coding in Python hasn’t become second nature. In the following sections, we explain these intermediate programming tools in detail and provide an extensive set of exercises to ensure your ability to comply with today’s best practices in the field.

Topics covered

Anonymous (Lambda) FunctionsJupyterlist comprehensionsNested LoopsProgrammingPythonWorking with Text Data

What You'll Learn

This course allows you to dig deeper than Python fundamentals. It focuses on intermediate tools that prove effective and efficient when processing large amounts of text and quantitative data.

Work with text data and argument specifiers
Learn how to use string accessors
Apply the .split(), .strip(), and .format() methods
Work with nested for loops
Study and practice list comprehensions
Understand and apply anonymous (Lambda) functions


Student feedback


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I really enjoyed the piece on lambda functions, it was very well structured but the rest of the course was very heavy on string formatting. I feel like the content should have been a "beyond the Python Bootcamp". Again, the lambda function lectures were great but I expected at least one more difficult topic to be included. The strings section could have been its own 30-45 minute course since the difficulty is not high, its just a lot of variation and syntax practice.
In my opinion, the course is not below average, but it has room for improvement. I believe that the course content could be more comprehensive and provide more in-depth coverage of intermediate Python concepts. Additionally, I think that the course could be enhanced by incorporating some of its content into the Python Programmer Bootcamp course, rather than having two separate courses.
Manipulating Python Strings as part of the Working with Text Data in Python provide a clear basic understanding of the Python Programming. Great learning!
Good refresher, but it doesn't offer as much value as I hoped. Rather than titled intermediate python, it'd be better off named beginner or early intermediate.
The course is highly informative and practical. It helps an in-depth understanding of various concepts that will take real-life use cases for programmers.
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Martin Ganchev

“If you don’t want to be labeled as a Python beginner or newcomer by your colleagues, you mustn’t rely on fundamentals to achieve impressive analytic or programming results. This course is devoted to teaching efficient tools for working with text data, lists, and functions that are more sophisticated to learn but yet provide limitless application.”

Martin Ganchev

Worked at the European Commission

Intermediate Python Programming

with Martin Ganchev

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