Machine Learning with Support Vector Machines

with Elitsa Kaloyanova

Teaching you how to successfully apply machine learning in a classification setting with support vector machines in Python. The course also features practical sections on multiclass extension and cross-validation using sk-learn.

1 hour 15 lessons
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15 High Quality Lessons
9 Practical Tasks
1 Hour of Content
Certificate of Achievement

Course Overview

This course is all about Support Vector Machines – one of the most versatile and widely used techniques in supervised learning. They can be applied to both classification and regression tasks and thanks to kernels, fit different data distributions at a reduced computational cost . In this course, you’ll grasp the theory behind support vector machines andhow to implement and optimize a Support Vector Classifier in Python using sk-learn.

Topics covered

ClassificationGridSearchHard MarginKernelsmachine learningProgrammingPythonSoft marginSupport Vector MachinesTheory

What You'll Learn

We’ll discuss the theoretical aspects of SVMs, such as the hard and soft margin problems, and touch upon kernels. In the practical part, you’ll gain valuable hands-on experience in implementing a Support Vector Classifier in Python using sk-learn.

Support vector machines
Soft margin problem
Hard margin problem
Intuition behind kernels
Support vector classifier in sk-learn
Cross-validation with GridsearchCV in Python


Student feedback


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Excellent course. One think I like about the course is the setting of boundary for different kernel parameters that no one teaches. The time given by the Course exam is very short. After downloading the data set and writing the code and answering the question is bit difficult.
I think that there should be more explanations about why are certain things done, or used, without the excuse that it's a standard practice.
The SVM course is smal and conceise pack for end to end model creation and fine turing. Appreciate the road map and quality containts
This topic need a more detailed course, If you are familiar with the topic this course will be great for you
Great short course on Support vector Machine . Great visuals and explanation. Thanks to the creator
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Elitsa Kaloyanova

“The Machine Learning field offers countless opportunities for in-depth data analysis,reliablepredictions, and valuable insights. Support vector machines in particular, are one of the most powerful methods in machine learning and, as such, are an indispensable skill in the toolbelt of any data scientist and ML engineer.”

Elitsa Kaloyanova

Head of Data Content at 365 Data Science

Machine Learning with Support Vector Machines

with Elitsa Kaloyanova

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