
with Valentina Bogdanova

This course will help you become an effective manager of your employees. It answers two key questions: “How do we motivate employees?” and “How do we retain talent in the long run?”

1 hour 27 lessons
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27 High Quality Lessons
0 Practical Tasks
1 Hour of Content
Certificate of Achievement

Course Overview

The Management course will teach you how to become an effective business leader. A successful manager is someone who can get the best results from their team. Every person is different and requires an individual approach, but the core principles in motivating and empowering people across your organization are uniform. The Management course touches on key managerial functions, such as planning, organization, staffing, and leading. Contrary to what many people believe, leaders and managers are cultivated, not born. This course will walk you through the process from zero to one..

Topics covered

Business fundamentalsTheory

What You'll Learn

The difference between good work and extraordinary efforts lies in the capabilities of the managers. To stand out in the business world, you need extraordinary. This Management course will not make you the best in business overnight. However, it will teach you the fundamental insights you need to perform better on the job. All you have to do is apply the acquired knowledge.

How to be an accessible and supportive team leader
How to reward and motivate your team to stimulate extraordinary performance
How to create a balanced workspace culture that invites autonomy
Create smart objectives, plan financials, and budget well
Recruit, select, and onboard new personnel with confidence
Give productive feedback, organize appraisal meetings, create fair compensation schemes


  • Introduction
    5 Lessons 18 Min

    In the business world of today, managers are more than just supervisors. They are the ones who recruit, retain, and inspire the people in a company. Given that employees are often considered a firm’s most valuable asset, the role of managers becomes even more critical. In this section, you will learn why companies need managers, what are their role and functions, and what makes for a successful manager.

    What are we going to see next
    Why are managers needed in an organization
    What makes for a good manager
    The different types of managerial roles
    A manager's main functions
  • The Planning function
    7 Lessons 23 Min

    In this section of the Management course, we cover the planning activity. You will learn about the objective pyramid and the steps in goal setting, the environment tools we can use, different techniques for resource allocation, and the modern planning methods.

    Introduction to Planning
    The objectives pyramid
    Creating smart objectives - the SMART framework
    Performing environmental scanning - competitor research at its best
    Financial planning - breakeven calculations
    Project management
  • The Organization function
    3 Lessons 6 Min

    This section focuses on employee recruitment, training, and retention. A good manager knows how to keep good employees, provide opportunities for personal development, and motivate people in the organization.

    An Introduction to the principles of organization
    The role of Human Resources
    Planning HR needs
  • The Staffing function - Pre-hire activities
    3 Lessons 9 Min

    Recruiting skilled personnel with the right mindset is difficult, but there are some pre-hire activities that can facilitate the process. Some of the topics discussed in this section revolve around the different channels for staff selection.

    Personnel recruitment - find the right people who will help you succeed
    Meeting the candidate
    The selection process
  • The Staffing function - Post-hire activities
    5 Lessons 12 Min

    This section of the Management course focuses on post-hire activities. Among the key topics discussed are onboarding of selected candidates, the importance of learning and development opportunities, giving productive feedback to employees, organizing performance appraisal meetings, and introducing fair compensation mechanisms.

    Onboarding of selected candidates
    The importance of Learning and Development opportunities
    Giving productive feedback to employees
    Organizing the performance appraisal meeting
    Introducing fair compensation mechanisms
  • The Leading function
    4 Lessons 14 Min

    In the last section, we discuss how to motivate employees. Constantly growing compensation is not sustainable, neither practical. As a manager, you need to find other ways to keep talented personnel engaged and satisfied.

    Motivating employees - core principles
    Proven employee motivation tactics
    Stress relief tactics
    Terminating employee contracts

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Great introduction to management in general.
Thank you, I enjoyed your presentation.
Good content and nice work!
Valentina Bogdanova

““Strategy is the masterplan. It is the way we intend to win the battle. Management is about how we will use the resources at our disposal to achieve this. This is how we fight the battle; how we execute to ensure the organization is on the right course to achieve its goals.””

Valentina Bogdanova

Ex-CEO Telecom