SQL bestseller

with Martin Ganchev and Vladimir Saev

Become proficient in SQL and manage relational databases with confidence

11 hours of content 102002 students


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SQL bestseller


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What you get:

  • 11 hours of content
  • 95 Downloadable resources
  • Interactive exercises
  • World-class instructor
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  • Future course updates
  • Course exam
  • Certificate of achievement


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What you get:

  • 11 hours of content
  • 95 Downloadable resources
  • Interactive exercises
  • World-class instructor
  • Closed captions
  • Q&A support
  • Future course updates
  • Course exam
  • Certificate of achievement

What You Learn

  • Acquire essential SQL skills to become a data analyst, data scientist, or data engineer
  • Learn database fundamentals and essential SQL theory, and how to apply them in real-world situations
  • Retrieve and analyse data in SQL
  • Adopt SQL best practices taught by a senior programmer
  • Create relational databases and work with them effortlessly
  • Install MySQL Server and MySQL Workbench on your machine

Top Choice of Leading Companies Worldwide

Industry leaders and professionals globally rely on this top-rated course to enhance their skills.

Course Description

SQL is one of the fundamental programming languages you need to learn to work with databases. When you are a data scientist in a company and you need data to perform your analysis, you usually have two options: extract it on your own or contact the IT team. Of course, the ability to extract your own data is an extremely valuable skill to have. In this course, we will teach you everything you need to know in terms of database management and creating SQL queries.

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Welcome to SQL

1.1 Welcome to SQL

4 min

Why SQL?

1.2 Why SQL?

3 min

Why MySQL?

1.4 Why MySQL?

2 min

Introduction to databases

1.6 Introduction to databases

5 min

SQL as a declarative language

2.1 SQL as a declarative language

2 min

Data definition language (DDL)

2.2 Data definition language (DDL)

4 min


  • 1. Introduction to Databases, SQL, and MySQL
    4 Lessons 14 Min

    Whether you are working in business intelligence (BI), data science, database administration, or back-end development, you will have to retrieve information from a server storing large amounts of data. To achieve this, you need SQL. The relational database management system we chose for this course is MySQL. We did that because MySQL is open-source, reliable, and mature. In one of the videos of this section, we will provide you with step-by-step guidance when you install MySQL Server and MySQL Workbench. The introductory part of this course pays significant attention to database theory. You will learn the meaning of terms like database, data table, data entity, record, field, relation, and more.

    Welcome to SQL
    4 min
    Why SQL?
    3 min
    Why MySQL?
    2 min
    Introduction to databases
    5 min
  • 2. SQL Theory
    6 Lessons 20 Min

    In this section, we study the components of the Structured Query Language, SQL. We will focus on the following syntaxes: Data Definition Language (DDL), Data Manipulation Language (DML), Data Control Language (DCL), and Transaction Control Language (TCL). In addition, we will introduce you to the concept of using SQL Keywords.

    SQL as a declarative language
    2 min
    Data definition language (DDL)
    4 min
    SQL keywords
    1 min
    Data manipulation language (DML)
    5 min
    Data control language (DCL)
    5 min
    Transaction control language (TCL)
    3 min
  • 3. Basic Database Terminology
    7 Lessons 34 Min

    We are sure that you will be many times more efficient and precise in producing your SQL queries if you are in good command of basic database terminology. At the end of the day, that's why SQL has been created: to help you store, retrieve, and manipulate data from relational databases. So, knowing exactly what a relational database is and understanding the meaning of terms like 'relational schema,' 'primary key,' 'foreign key,' 'unique key,' and 'entity relationships' is something that is crucial for giving you confidence and precision in your work with SQL.

    Relational database essentials
    5 min
    Databases vs spreadsheets
    7 min
    Database terminology
    4 min
    Relational schemas - Primary key
    5 min
    Relational schemas - Foreign key
    5 min
    Relational schemas - Unique key and null values
    3 min
    5 min
  • 4. Installing MySQL and Getting Acquainted with the Interface
    8 Lessons 30 Min

    In this section, we will provide you with step-by-step guidance on how to install MySQL Server and MySQL Workbench, the two components you need in order to start working with MySQL. Then, you'll need to set up a connection between Workbench and the server. Of course, we will show you how to do that, and then we will conclude by making a quick tour of the MySQL Workbench interface. What you will see in these lectures will be more than enough of a preparation for working with the software before you start coding in the next section.

    Installing MySQL
    11 min
    Additional note – Installing – Viisual C Read now
    1 min
    Installing MySQL on macOS and Unix systems Read now
    2 min
    The Client-Server Model Read now
    1 min
    Setting up a connection
    3 min
    Important - Please read Read now
    1 min
    New Authentication Plugin - Creating a New User
    6 min
    Introduction to the MySQL interface
    5 min
  • 5. First Steps in SQL
    16 Lessons 46 Min

    It is time to create your first database and make your first steps in SQL. In this section, we will introduce you to string, fixed- and floating-point, and other useful data types. You will learn how to create a database table and how to use such a table. Not only that, but we will also introduce the different types of constraints that can be assigned to tables (primary key, foreign key, unique key, default, not null, and other types of constraints)

    Creating a Database - Part I
    5 min
    Creating a Database - Part I - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    SQL files Read now
    1 min
    Creating a Database - Part II
    2 min
    Creating a Database - Part II - Еxercise Read now
    1 min
    Introduction to data types
    2 min
    String data types
    5 min
    4 min
    Fixed and floating-point data types
    6 min
    Other useful data types
    6 min
    Creating a table
    5 min
    Creating a table - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    Using databases and tables
    3 min
    Using databases and tables - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    Additional notes on using tables
    2 min
    Additional notes on using tables - Exercise Read now
    1 min
  • 6. MySQL Constraints
    12 Lessons 38 Min

    So far, you've been acquainted with crucial theoretical topics and fundamentals in coding in MySQL. In this section, both will come together to show you how primary keys, foreign keys, and unique keys are applied in practice through MySQL Constraints. Once you have mastered these three, we will continue with other types of constraints that you will encounter daily in your work, such as the DEFAULT Constraint and the NOT NULL Constraint.

    PRIMARY KEY constraint
    5 min
    PRIMARY KEY constraint- Exercise Read now
    1 min
    FOREIGN KEY constraint - Part I
    5 min
    FOREIGN KEY constraint - Part II
    5 min
    FOREIGN KEY constraint - Part II - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    UNIQUE Constraint
    5 min
    UNIQUE Constraint Read now
    1 min
    DEFAULT Constraint
    5 min
    DEFAULT Constraint Read now
    1 min
    NOT NULL Constraint - Part I
    6 min
    NOT NULL Constraint - Part I Read now
    1 min
    NOT NULL Constraint - Part II
    2 min
  • 7. SQL Best Practices
    2 Lessons 10 Min

    There are many ways you can write your SQL code, but there are only a few that are considered professional. In this part of the course, we will teach you how to write professional code and how to adhere to professional best practices. To reinforce what you have learned, we will wrap up this section with an easy-to-understand practical example.

    Coding techniques and best practices - Part I
    6 min
    Coding techniques and best practices - Part II
    4 min
  • 8. Loading the Data
    2 Lessons 3 Min

    One of the best features of our SQL training is that it uses a real-life database – the “Employees” database. We will use it to manipulate data in MySQL in all lessons. In this chapter, you will download the SQL file and will run it in Workbench.

    Loading the 'employees' database
    2 min
    Loading the 'employees' database Read now
    1 min
    38 Lessons 88 Min

    When doing analysis with SQL, regardless of whether in that moment you are working on the administration of your relational database, on a business intelligence analysis, or are doing some preliminary work in the data science field, you will be constantly dealing with the SQL SELECT Statement. We cannot stress enough how important it is to have completely internalized the structure of this particular SQL statement. That's why, in this section, we will make sure you will learn and practice all the fundamentals of the SELECT Statement. We won't let you proceed before you feel comfortable using it.

    5 min
    SELECT - FROM - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    3 min
    WHERE - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    2 min
    AND - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    4 min
    OR - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    Operator Precedence
    4 min
    Operator Precedence - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    IN - NOT IN
    3 min
    IN - NOT IN - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    4 min
    LIKE - NOT LIKE - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    Wildcard Characters
    2 min
    Wildcard Characters - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    2 min
    BETWEEN - AND - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    2 min
    IS NOT NULL - IS NULL - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    Other Comparison Operators
    5 min
    Other Comparison Operators - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    2 min
    SELECT DISTINCT - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    Introduction to Aggregate Functions
    5 min
    Introduction to Aggregate Functions - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    4 min
    ORDER BY - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    6 min
    Using Aliases (AS)
    2 min
    Using Aliases (AS) - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    3 min
    HAVING - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    WHERE vs HAVING - Part I
    4 min
    WHERE vs HAVING - Part II
    3 min
    WHERE vs HAVING - Exercise 2 Read now
    1 min
    5 min
    LIMIT - Exercise Read now
    1 min
  • 10. SQL INSERT Statement
    5 Lessons 14 Min

    Apart from delivering the segment of the data you need from your database through the SELECT Statement, SQL also gives you the chance to manipulate your data. The Data Manipulation Language, DML, is the part of the SQL syntax that contains the commands that will allow you to do that. In this section, we will focus on the INSERT Statement, which is obviously about inserting data to a table from your database.

    The INSERT statement - Part I
    6 min
    The INSERT statement - Part II
    2 min
    Inserting Data INTO a New Table
    4 min
    The INSERT statement - Part II - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    Inserting Data INTO a New Table - Exercise Read now
    1 min
  • 11. SQL UPDATE Statement
    4 Lessons 10 Min

    Still on the subject of manipulating your data set, in this section we will focus on another DML Statement: the UPDATE Statement. Sometimes you won't need to insert new data, but you will want to correct or update some of the existing data in your database. That's why you have the UPDATE Statement, which is there just for that!

    3 min
    The UPDATE Statement - Part I
    3 min
    The UPDATE Statement - Part II
    3 min
    The UPDATE Statement - Part II - Exercise Read now
    1 min
  • 12. SQL DELETE Statement
    4 Lessons 9 Min

    A bit trickier than the SQL INSERT and UPDATE Statements is the SQL DELETE Statement. Yes, it definitely is about removing information from your data set, but you must be prudent when using it. First, you risk losing data that you might actually need, and second, you shouldn't confuse it with the DROP and TRUNCATE statements. This section is devoted to clarifying all these subject matters.

    The DELETE Statement - Part I
    4 min
    The DELETE Statement - Part II
    1 min
    The DELETE Statement - Part II - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    3 min
  • 13. MySQL Aggregate Functions
    14 Lessons 26 Min

    Aggregate functions come in handy when we want to perform some arithmetic operations with the data in our database. The most commonly-used aggregate functions in SQL are COUNT(), SUM(), MIN(), MAX(), and AVG().

    4 min
    COUNT() - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    2 min
    SUM() - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    MIN() and MAX()
    1 min
    MIN() and MAX() - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    2 min
    AVG() - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    2 min
    ROUND() - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    COALESCE() - Preamble Read now
    1 min
    6 min
    Another Example of Using COALESCE()
    2 min
    Another Example of Using COALESCE() - Exercise Read now
    1 min
  • 14. SQL JOINs
    24 Lessons 82 Min

    Joins are one of the most powerful and frequently-used tools in SQL. This is a tool you will need when combining the information from two or more tables. After completing this section, you will be able to use inner, left, right, and cross joins.

    Introduction to JOINs
    4 min
    Introduction to JOINs - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    INNER JOIN - Part I
    6 min
    INNER JOIN - Part II
    6 min
    INNER JOIN - Part II - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    A Note on Using Joins
    4 min
    Duplicate Records
    4 min
    LEFT JOIN - Part I
    5 min
    LEFT JOIN - Part II
    6 min
    LEFT JOIN - Part II - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    5 min
    The new and the old join syntax
    4 min
    The new and the old join syntax - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    JOIN and WHERE Used Together
    3 min
    JOIN and WHERE Used Together - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    8 min
    CROSS JOIN - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    Using Aggregate Functions with Joins
    2 min
    JOIN more than two tables in SQL
    4 min
    JOIN more than two tables in SQL - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    Tips and tricks for joins
    6 min
    Tips and tricks for joins - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    6 min
    UNION vs UNION ALL - Exercise Read now
    1 min
  • 15. SQL Subqueries
    6 Lessons 20 Min

    Here, you will learn how to write subqueries, a key SQL tool for more advanced users. The section also includes a number of useful tips and tricks and aims to take your SQL skills to the next level.

    SQL Subqueries with IN nested inside WHERE
    5 min
    SQL Subqueries with IN nested inside WHERE - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    SQL Subqueries with EXISTS-NOT EXISTS nested inside WHERE
    4 min
    SQL Subqueries with EXISTS-NOT EXISTS nested inside WHERE - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    SQL Subqueries nested in SELECT and FROM
    8 min
    SQL Subqueries nested in SELECT and FROM - Exercise Text Read now
    1 min
  • 16. SQL Self Join
    1 Lesson 8 Min

    Joins are one of the most powerful and frequently-used tools in SQL. This is a tool you will need when combining the information from two or more tables. After completing this section, you will be able to use inner, left, right, and cross joins.

    SQL Self Join
    8 min
  • 17. SQL Views
    2 Lessons 8 Min

    The focus of this part of the course is the SQL View. A view in SQL is a virtual table whose contents are obtained from an existing table or tables. Using this, SQL Tools has several advantages that will all be discussed in this lecture.

    Using SQL views
    7 min
    Using SQL views - Exercise Read now
    1 min
  • 18. Stored Routines
    14 Lessons 49 Min

    Stored routines are a set of SQL statements that have been pre-written and stored on a server, allowing users to re-run them at a later stage. You will learn how to create your own stored procedures and functions.

    Introduction to Stored Routines
    3 min
    The MySQL syntax for stored procedures
    5 min
    Stored Procedures - Example - Part I
    3 min
    Stored Procedures - Example - Part II
    5 min
    Another Way to Create a Procedure in MySQL
    3 min
    Stored Procedures - Example - Part II - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    Stored Procedures with an Input Parameter
    6 min
    Stored Procedures with an Output Parameter
    3 min
    7 min
    Stored Procedures with an Output Parameter - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    User-defined functions in MySQL
    6 min
    Variables - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    Stored routines - conclusion
    4 min
    User-defined functions in MySQL - Exercise Read now
    1 min
  • 19. Advanced SQL Topics
    11 Lessons 45 Min

    In the last part of the training, you will learn advanced SQL topics like local variables, session variables, global variances, MySQL triggers, MySQL indexes, and the CASE Statement.

    Types of MySQL Variables - Local Variables
    5 min
    Session Variables
    5 min
    Global Variables
    2 min
    User-Defined vs System Variables
    4 min
    MySQL Triggers - Preamble Read now
    1 min
    MySQL Triggers
    12 min
    MySQL Indexes
    7 min
    MySQL Triggers - Exercise Read now
    1 min
    The CASE Statement
    6 min
    MySQL Indexes - Exercise Text Read now
    1 min
    The CASE Statement - Exercise Text Read now
    1 min


SQLTheoryProgrammingRelational DatabasesEtlDatabase Theory

Tools & Technologies


Course Requirements

  • No prior SQL experience or knowledge is required. We will start this SQL course from the basics and gradually build your understanding. Everything you need is included in the course
  • We will teach you how to install MySQL Workbench

Who Should Take This Course?

Level of difficulty: Beginner

  • Aspiring data analysts, data scientists, data engineers who want to improve their job prospects
  • Existing data analysts, data scientists, data engineers who want to improve their SQL skills
  • Business professionals who want to query company data on their own to make data-driven decisions
  • Everyone who wants to work with data whether for personal projects, academic research, or enhancing their skill set for career advancement

Exams and Certification

A 365 Data Science Course Certificate is an excellent addition to your LinkedIn profile—demonstrating your expertise and willingness to go the extra mile to accomplish your goals.

Exams and certification

Meet Your Instructor

Martin Ganchev

Martin Ganchev

Worked at

15 Courses

26897 Reviews

429876 Students

Martin began working with 365 in 2016 as the company’s second employee. Martin’s resilience, hard-working attitude, attention to detail, and excellent teaching style played an instrumental role in 365’s early days. He authored some of the firm’s most successful courses. And besides teaching, Martin dreams about becoming an actor. In September 2021, he enrolled in an acting school in Paris, France.

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