Web Scraping and API Fundamentals in Python

with Andrew Treadway and Nikola Pulev

Introducing you to the fundamentals of data extraction from the web using Python. We will learn about APIs, Beautiful Soup and Requests-HTML.

5 hours 48 lessons
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48 High Quality Lessons
38 Practical Tasks
5 Hours of Content
Certificate of Achievement

Course Overview

Web Scraping and API Fundamentals in Python offers an introduction to the techniques of data extraction from the web. In this course, you will learn how to use one of the most powerful tools on the Internet – APIs. We will also discuss in depth how to obtain information directly from websites using the Beautiful Soup Python package. There will be a short HTML crash course for those not familiar with it. Finally, we will introduce the Requests-HTML package in order to extract dynamically generated JavaScript content.

Topics covered


What You'll Learn

Introducing you to the fundamentals of data extraction from the web using Python. We will first learn about the preferred method for program-to-program communication – APIs. Then we will delve into the web data extraction aspect with the help of Beautiful Soup.

Learn the fundamentals of web scraping 
Implement APIs 
Master working with Beautiful Soup 
Start using requests-html 
Create functioning scrapers 
Understand website cookies 


Student feedback


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loving the course and best part Instructor giving 100% so we could learn web scrapping although some links and website API used in this course either changes working, depricated or just stops where Instructor lags to solve one simple comment on such missing website could solve learners issues by providing alternative website or some instruction to scrape other web like the same we did
Very concise clear lessons, covering so much. And if I may, I'd like to suggest improving this course with and additional session covering the use of selenium for scrapping webpages full of ajax which cannot be done with requests.
Given the fickle nature of the Internet, much of the material taught in this course no longer works as is. I therefore recommend supplemental tutorials on the Beautiful Soup, requests and requests_html libraries.
Many links not working, code which installs Chronium install not working, and instructor seems absent from Q&A - many questions from students over 2years are going unanswered
Useful resources provided in the Web Scraping Using Python course got me to a jump start in my projects requiring skills in Data Science in particular web scraping.
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Andrew Treadway

“I created this hands-on course to equip you with all the tools you need to start collecting data, starting with a formal approach (APIs) and moving on to web scraping – a perfect way to advance your skills by working with real-world data and boost your analytics or programming career.”

Andrew Treadway

Worked at New York Life Insurance

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Web Scraping and API Fundamentals in Python

with Andrew Treadway and Nikola Pulev

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