Last answered:

20 Nov 2023

Posted on:

07 Nov 2023


Resolved: date constructer

how do I choose date constructor? Is the first date (youngest) or last date(oldest) in my dateset??

3 answers ( 1 marked as helpful)
Posted on:

20 Nov 2023


Hi Rayyan Ibrahim!

Thanks for reaching out and apologies for the late response. 

When working with the datetime module in Python, especially the date class, the choice of a date constructor depends on what you're aiming to achieve with your dataset. 

In Python, you can create a date object by using, month, day). For instance,, 1, 1) creates a date object for January 1, 2023. You can extract the youngest or oldest date from your dataset using Python functions (like min() or max() on a date column) and then use these dates as needed in your analysis.

If your goal is to analyze recent data or to understand trends starting from a more recent point in time, you would typically use the youngest date in your dataset. Conversely, if your analysis focuses on historical trends or long-term changes, you might start with the oldest date in your dataset. Generally, the dataset itself might dictate the choice.

In summary, the choice between the youngest and oldest date should be guided by the specific objectives of your analysis and the nature of your dataset. 

Hope this helps.



Posted on:

20 Nov 2023


It is very clear and helpful.

Thank you so much for this Intensive course.

Posted on:

20 Nov 2023


You are very welcome!

Good luck and please feel free to post another question should you encounter any difficulties. Thank you.

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