Resolved: Missing dept_manager table
Missing dept_manager table & values for d010 and d011 missing.
Lecture needs to be updated to reflect this.
Seeing that the other powerpoints have extraneous slides, its easy to skip the Preamble PDF with the assumption it will be just as inconcise as the other pdfs.
I had to run the following to fix the tables to get it to the correct state:
ALTER TABLE departments_dup CHANGE COLUMN dept_name dept_name VARCHAR(40) NULL;
INSERT INTO departments_dup(dept_no) VALUES ('d010'), ('d011');
ALTER TABLE employees.departments_dup ADD COLUMN dept_manager VARCHAR(255) NULL AFTER dept_nam;
DELETE FROM departments_dup WHERE dept_name= "Quality Control" and dept_no="d011";
DELETE FROM departments_dup WHERE dept_name= "Business Analysis" and dept_no="d010";
SELECT * FROM departments_dup ORDER BY dept_no ASC;
Hi David!
Thanks for reaching out.
Yes, you should run the following code.
I am glad you have resolved your issue.