Last answered:

19 Sept 2023

Posted on:

18 Sept 2023


Resolved: The SQL project

I completed SQL  course and started the project but I am having difficulty in solving the project and I have chosen to be guided. Is there any advice on what should I do? Should I take another course on SQL or specific practice so I can complete the project?

2 answers ( 1 marked as helpful)
Posted on:

19 Sept 2023


Hi Fatma, 

thanks for reaching out! Which SQL project are you solving at the moment? 

The Student Streaks Analysis with SQL is a bit more advanced, and actually you might want to watch the Advanced SQL course first and come back to that project. 

The converion rates SQL project is more beginner friendly and should be a good point to start:
There is another beginner SQL project which also has a Tableau part, that you can try, and you can complete the query part of the project:

Let me know if you have any other questions about the projects, and if you have any specific question about the tasks. 


365 Eli

Posted on:

19 Sept 2023


Yes, It is the Student Streaks Analysis with SQL project. Thank you for your help, I was starting to feel down to not be able to solve it.

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