Last answered:

15 Apr 2020

Posted on:

10 Apr 2020


What is the purpose of scalar object in the SQL + tableau + python example?

I'm working on the "working with the absenteeism module". I'm still a bit confused as to why we need to load the scalar object. What is this saving us from doing? I understand that the model was trained on the training data set in the previous modules and now it's ready to deploy. However, I don't get what the point of scalar is. It was just two lines of code when we scaled our features. I don't see why we need to load this instead of building the ability to scale it into the absenteeism module.
1 answers ( 0 marked as helpful)
Posted on:

15 Apr 2020


Hi Bilal!
Thanks for reaching out and please excuse us for not getting back to you sooner.
First, we wanted to make sure you've internalised the skill to convert code into character stream, so we wanted to provide an exercise for this and we thought the 'scaler' object (note that it's not scalar, but it's scaler!) was a great opportunity to do that.
That said, please refer to Minute 2:53 and on from the following lecture from the course and feel free to get back to us should you need further assistance. Thank you. Hope this helps.

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