Stacked Area Chart Notebook in Matplotlib Python Template

Elitsa Kaloyanova
Instructor at 365 Data ScienceIn this free .ipynb template we have a stacked area chart, implemented in Python with the Pyplot module of Matplotlib. The chart shows the popularity of different engine types in automobiles across the span of several decades. In the stacked area chart each category is ‘stacked’ or ‘placed’ on top of the previous, presenting the totality of the data and avoiding overlap among categories.

Elitsa Kaloyanova
Instructor at 365 Data Science
Who is it for?
The ability to extract meaningful conclusions and insights from complex data is an essential toolkit for any aspiring Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Business Analyst, and anyone who works with Python and Matplotlib to visualize data. This resource will expand your data visualization vocabulary, so you can tell insightful stories that capture your audience’s attention.
How can it help you?
As an essential visualization tool, stacked area charts will help you to find the trends and patterns in the data of multiple stacked variables over time. An area chart is used when we are interested in tracking and comparing the volume of a few variables over time.