Data Science Templates
Boost your programming skills with free SQL, R, Excel, and Python templates and create top-notch projects for your portfolio.Accelerate your workflow with code-ready data science templates from 365 Data Science instructors—designed to enhance efficiency in your programming projects.
Discover a myriad of valuable resources—from a time-saving data science cheat sheet to data analysis and visualization templates in Excel and ready-to-use SQL, R, and Python coding shortcuts.
Whether you’re unsure how to approach a task or work on a time-sensitive project, these templates are designed to streamline your work and enhance productivity.

Multi-Dimensional Dictionaries in Python
The following is a program implementing a multi-dimensional dictionary in Python. The notebook shows how to retrieve keys and values from the dictionary, how to create a new key:value pair and how to loop through the keys and the values using a for-loop. Some other related topics you might be interested in are One-Dimensional Dictionaries in Python, Dictionary Comprehension in Python, Using Counter - a Dictionary Subclass in Python. The Multi-Dimensional Dictionaries in Python free template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Program.
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Methods in Python - Functions Inside Classes in Python
In Python, we can design and create our own objects with the help of classes. In this free notebook, we will design a class and define two functions inside - two methods. In Python, methods are accessed through the dot-notation. They help interact with an object and are an essential part of a class. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Defining classes in Python, The Pass-Statement in Python, Creating a Constructor in Python - the INIT method, Class Variables in Python, Inheritance in Python. The Methods in Python – Functions Inside Classes in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Program.
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Inheritance in Python
In Python, we can design and create our own objects. This is done with the help of classes. The design of these (parent) classes can be inherited by other classes. This allows classes to make use of the constructor and the methods of the parent class. In this notebook, we demonstrate how this can be done with a thorough example. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Defining classes in Python, The pass-statement in Python, Creating a constructor in Python - the INIT method, Class variables in Python, Methods in Python - functions inside classes. The Inheritance in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Program.
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Indexing with.iloc[] and .loc[] in Python
The following template demonstrates how to perform indexing with the pandas methods iloc[] and loc[].Some other related topics you might be interested in are Data Selection in Python, Common Attributes for Working with DataFrames in Python, Attribute Chaining in Python, Ordering the Rows from a Data Table According to the Values in a Column in Python, and Converting Series into Arrays in Python. The Indexing with.iloc[] and .loc[] in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Program.
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Data Selection in Python
The following template demonstrates how to extract elements, rows, columns, or just a subset from a DataFrame object. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Delivering an Array with the Unique Values from a Dataset in Python, Ordering the Rows from a Data Table According to the Values in a Column in Python, Attribute Chaining in Python, Common Attributes for Working with DataFrames in Python, Indexing with.iloc[] and .loc[] in Python. The Data Selection in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Program.
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Common Attributes for Working with DataFrames in Python
The following template demonstrates the application of important pandas attributes when cleaning, preprocessing, and analyzing a dataset. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Data Selection in Python, Indexing with.iloc[] and .loc[] in Python, Delivering an Array with the Unique Values from a Dataset in Python, Converting Series into Arrays in Python, and Using Pandas Methods for Working with Series Objects in Python. The Common Attributes for Working with DataFrames in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Program.
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Attribute Chaining in Python
The following template demonstrates how to use several attributes at once. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Common Attributes for Working with DataFrames in Python, Data Selection in Python, Indexing with.iloc[] and .loc[] in Python, Converting Series into Arrays in Python, and Delivering an Array with the Unique Values from a Dataset in Python. The Attribute Chaining in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Program.
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Ordering the Rows from a Data Table According to the Values in a Column in Python
The following template demonstrates how to convert Series objects into pandas and NumPy arrays. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Ordering the Rows from a Data Table According to the Values in a Column in Python, Attribute Chaining in Python, Common Attributes for Working with DataFrames in Python, Data Selection in Python, and Indexing with.iloc[] and .loc[] in Python. The Ordering the Rows from a Data Table According to the Values in a Column in Python template is among the topics covered in greater detail in the 365 Program.
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Converting Series into Arrays in Python
The following template demonstrates how to convert the pandas Series to a NumPy Array using this function. Despite being quite straightforward, this approach has a highly original premise. since we are aware that the Series' output has an index. In contrast, NumPy arrays simply contain their elements. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Ordering the Rows from a Data Table According to the Values in a Column in Python, Indexing with.iloc[] and .loc[] in Python, Data Selection in Python, Common Attributes for Working with DataFrames in Python. The Converting Series into Arrays in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Program.
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Obtaining Descriptive Statistics about the Data in Python
The following template demonstrates how to obtain an overview about the dataset. It shows the application of the .describe() method on a pandas Series object. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Delivering an Array with the Unique Values from a Dataset in Python, Converting Series into Arrays in Python, Ordering the Rows from a Data Table According to the Values in a Column in Python, Data Selection in Python, and Common Attributes for Working with DataFrames in Python. The Obtaining Descriptive Statistics about the Data in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Program.
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Creating DataFrames in Python
The following template demonstrates how to create a DataFrame from various datatypes. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Obtaining Descriptive Statistics about the Data in Python, Delivering an Array with the Unique Values from a Dataset in Python, Converting Series into Arrays in Python, Ordering the Rows from a Data Table According to the Values in a Column in Python, and Data Selection in Python. The Creating DataFrames in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Program.
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Using Pandas Methods for Working with Series Objects in Python
The following template demonstrates the application of some of the most widely used pandas methods for working with Series objects. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Creating DataFrames in Python, Obtaining Descriptive Statistics about the Data in Python, Delivering an Array with the Unique Values from a Dataset in Python, Converting Series into Arrays in Python, Ordering the Rows from a Data Table According to the Values in a Column in Python, and Data Selection in Python. The Using Pandas Methods for Working with Series Objects in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Program.
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Dealing with Indexing in Python
This template shows how to perform various operations regarding indexing in Python. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Using Pandas Methods for Working with Series Objects in Python, Creating DataFrames in Python, Obtaining Descriptive Statistics about the Data in Python, Delivering an Array with the Unique Values from a Dataset in Python, and Ordering the Rows from a Data Table According to the Values in a Column in Python. The Dealing with Indexing in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Program.
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Position-Based and Label-Based Indexing in Python
This template shows the difference between position-based and label-based indexing in Python. It demonstrates its application on pandas Series. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Dealing with Indexing in Python, Creating a Series Object from a List in Python, Delivering an Array with the Unique Values from a Dataset in Python, Converting Series into Arrays in Python, Ordering the Rows from a Data Table According to the Values in a Column in Python and Attribute Chaining in Python. The Position-Based and Label-Based Indexing in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Program.
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Indexing in Pandas Python
This template demonstrated the concepts behind indexing in Python by giving pandas objects as an example. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Position-Based and Label-Based Indexing in Python, Dealing with Indexing in Python, Using Pandas Methods for Working with Series Objects in Python, Ordering the Rows from a Data Table According to the Values in a Column in Python, and Attribute Chaining in Python. The Indexing in Pandas Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Program.
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Using Attributes in Python
This template shows how to use attributes for gathering information about different Objects - in particular - pandas Series. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Using Pandas Methods for Working with Series Objects in Python, Creating DataFrames in Python, Delivering an Array with the Unique Values from a Dataset in Python, Converting Series into Arrays in Python, and Ordering the Rows from a Data Table According to the Values in a Column in Python. The Using Attributes in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Program.
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Creating a Series Object by Using a NumPy Array in Python
This template shows how to convert a NumPy array into a Series. First, you import the Pandas and NumPy libraries, after which you create an array containing four integer values. Then you turn the array into a series and finally you check the type of the object. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Using Attributes in Python, Indexing in Pandas Python, Position-Based and Label-Based Indexing in Python, and Dealing with Indexing in Python. The creating a Series Object by Using a NumPy Array in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Program.
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Creating a Series Object from a List in Python
This template shows how to convert a list object into a Series in the popular Pandas library. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Creating a Series Object by Using a NumPy Array in Python, Using Pandas Methods for Working with Series Objects in Python, Obtaining Descriptive Statistics about the Data in Python, Delivering an Array with the Unique Values from a Dataset in Python, and Ordering the Rows from a Data Table According to the Values in a Column in Python. The Creating a Series Object from a list in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Program.
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Importing the Pandas Library in Python
This template demonstrates how to import the pandas library in Python- a popular open-source library that provides high-performance structures and data analysis tools. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Indexing in Pandas Python, Using Attributes in Python, Using Pandas Methods for Working with Series Objects in Python, and Creating DataFrames in Python. The Importing the Pandas Library in Python is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Program.
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Converting Timezones in Python
This free open-access template shows how to convert date and time values between the different time zones in Python. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Local Time and Universal Time in Python, Importing the Pandas Library in Python, Creating a Series Object by Using a NumPy Array in Python, and Using Attributes in Python. The Converting Timezones in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Program.
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