New! See What's Next with Upcoming Courses

Join over 2 million students who advanced their careers with 365 Data Science. Learn from instructors who have worked at Meta, Spotify, Google, IKEA, Netflix, and Coca-Cola and master Python, SQL, Excel, machine learning, data analysis, AI fundamentals, and more.

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12 Oct 2021 3 min read

Upcoming courses

One of our proudest achievements at 365 Data Science Program, is that in the past few years, not only did we manage to put together a team of outstanding in-house instructors, but we also inspired some of the world’s most renowned data science experts to join us in our efforts to create the highest quality of online data science courses out there. These are professionals with leading roles in some of the most important companies in the world (Facebook, Google, Spotify, Autodesk, Coca-Cola, Henkel, Shell, British Petroleum, etc.), personalities followed by hundreds of thousands of people on YouTube and LinkedIn, all willing to give back to the data community and share the knowledge they have acquired on their journey to success.

For us, collaborating with world-class experts is a meaningful experience, knowing that this gives precious opportunities to our students – to acquire knowledge that isn’t available elsewhere and gain industry-specific insights from globally recognized professionals.

We’re sure that many of you – whether enrolled students, or just visitors exploring our curriculum – are already familiar with their contribution to our program.

But, as of today, you will also be able to see what courses will be added next to the 365 Data Science Program, via our latest feature – the Upcoming Courses page.

Upcoming Courses

The Upcoming Courses Page displays the courses in our pipeline, so you will know what content to expect soon and get familiar with the curriculum of the next addition to the program.

What’s more, if you are registered in the platform, you can request courses you’d like us to add to our training in the future – just create a free account with your name and email address only and let us know what topics you’re most excited about. We’ll be happy to hear from you.
