A Question About The stat_density2d() Function
We don't have any data in hdi-cpi.csv about population. So how did we get
a density function - stat_density2d() - in the graph? What am I missing?
This is the code:
sp <- ggplot(hdi, aes(CPI.2015, HDI.2015))
sp + geom_point(aes(color = Region), shape = 21,
fill = "white", size = 3, stroke = 2) +
theme_light() +
labs(x = "Corruption Perception Index, 2015",
y = "Human Development Index, 2015",
title = "Corruption And Human Development") +
Thank you
Hi T.Serghides,
thanks for reaching out and sorry for the inconvenience! You should be able to download the data set in question from this lecture:https://learn.365datascience.com/courses/introduction-to-r-programming/intro-to-ggplot2/
Let me know if you have any further issues.
365 Eli
Elitsa, Thank you for the reply.
> You should be able to download the data set in question from this lecture...
I did download the data and I can replicate the scatter plot with the countour lines (the density plot) with the density function stat_density2d() as follows:
hdi <- read.csv("hdi-cpi.csv")
sp <- ggplot(hdi, aes(CPI.2015, HDI.2015))
sp + geom_point(aes(color = Region), shape = 21,
fill = "white", size = 3, stroke = 2) +
theme_light() +
labs(x = "Corruption Perception Index, 2015",
y = "Human Development Index, 2015",
title = "Corruption And Human Development") +
My question is this: Where is the data, in the csv file (hdi-cpi.csv), for the countour lines? What is the name of the variable (the column) for the contour lines? This, I don't understand.
Thank you again for the reply.
Hi T. Serghides,
sorry for the confusion. stat_density2d()
is an R function. So, you can use it for every scatterplot you create in R and it will plot the density of the data. As mentioned in the video, that's a good option if you have too many data points and the scatter will look overcrowded. In that case you can plot the density of the data distribution for a nicer overview.
Hope this helps!
365 Eli