Error code 1318 during execution of the code.
I am getting an error during calling of the procedure, the error states "Error Code: 1318. Incorrect number of arguments for PROCEDURE employees.emp_info; expected 2, got 3", please analyze.
use employees $$
drop procedure emp_info $$
Create procedure emp_info(IN p_first varchar(18), IN p_last varchar(18), out p_emp_no int)
Select emp_no into p_emp_no
from employees e
where e.first_name = p_first and e.last_name = p_last;
end $$
SET @v_emp_no = 0;
CALL emp_info("Aruna", "journel", @v_emp_no);
SELECT @v_emp_no;
1 answers ( 0 marked as helpful)
Hi Barun!
Thanks for reaching out.
I tested your code and it works fine. Please, open a new tab and try the same code. Sometimes, this resolves similar issues.
Hope this helps.