Last answered:

10 Jan 2023

Posted on:

10 Nov 2021


Please explain Minutes 2:42 equations

I'm a bit confusing. Please kindly explain.

Y1 = x1 w11 + x2 w21 +b1,
Y2 = x1 w12 + x2 w22 +b2,
shouldn't the equations be like:
Y1 = 743*403.77 + 1.21*13.9 + 1112.45
Y2 = 743*(-15512) + 1.21*(-484.75) + 212.34

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Posted on:

10 Jan 2023


let's take it one by one
say y1 = x1w11 + x2w21 + b1
where x1 = 743 and x2 = 1.21,
b1 = 1112.45
w11 = 403.77 and w21 = -15512 (the top row of the matrix represents the weights for y1)

y1 = 743 * 403.77 - (1.21 * 15512) + 1112.45

following this, then y2 = x1w12 + x2w22 + b2
hence y2 = 743 * 13.9 - (1.21 * 484.75) + 212.34

view the weight elements as (column no, row no)
e.g (1,2) = (column 1, row 2)

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