Solution to the last task
class PlayingCard(object):
def __init__(self, value, suit):
self.value = value
self.suit = suit
def suit(self):
return self.suit
def value(self):
return self.value
def __str__(self):
suits = {'d':'Diamonds', 'h':'Hearts', 's':'Spades', 'c':'Clubs'}
values = {1:'Ace', 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 5:5, 6:6, 7:7, 8:8, 9:9, 10:10, 11:'Jack', 12:'Queen', 13:'King'}
my_card = str(values[self.value]) + ' of ' + str(suits[self.suit])
return my_card
coolest_card = PlayingCard(4, 'h')
sheesh_card = PlayingCard(11, 's')
Anyone has idea how could it be possible to adjust code if user inputs value that doesn't match suits or values list?
Like a while or if statement?
Hello Daniels, For your query regarding an invalid user input:
Please use the below code for the dunder function __str__:
def __str__(self):
if self.value not in card.values or self.suit not in card.suits:
return 'Invalid Input'
my_card = 'The selected card is ' + str(card.values[self.value]) + ' of ' + \
return my_card