Variable Estimates to Score Card Conversion
Converting the variable estimates to Credit score card isn't covering all the cases. Lets take the grade as an example.
Scenario-1: Grade D is the worst and reference category. lets assume intercept= -1.5 and estimates for grade A, B, C are [1.2, 0.6, 0.4]. The conversion of the variable estimates to credit score card points is well explained by instructors logic.
Scenario-2: Grade D is the worst and reference category. lets assume intercept= 4 and estimates for grade A, B, C are [-2, -1.2, -0.4]. In this scenario, the instructors logic of converting the variable estimates to score card points fails .
Not sure how to approach? shall we simply reverse the max & min coefficients i.e. instead of max_coeff - min_coeff can we use min_coeff - Max_coeff