Hypothesis Testing
Whenever we need to verify the results of a test or experiment we turn to hypothesis testing. In this free practice exam you are a data analyst at an electric car manufacturer, selling vehicles in the US and Canada. Currently the company offers two car models – Apollo and SpeedX. You will need to download a free Excel file containing the car sales of the two models over the last 3 years in order find out interesting insights and test your skills in hypothesis testing.

Who is it for?
Any aspiring Statistician, Data Scientist, Data Analyst, Business Analyst, BI Developer will want to test their skill in hypothesis testing and take this free assessment test.
How can it help you?
If you want to test the validity of an idea that can have real-world consequence in the area of science, business, healthcare, education – to name a few then you will have to use hypothesis testing. Find out how much you know and take these set of free practice questions.
Hypothesis Testing