Exploring Data Skewness in R Template
![Elitsa Kaloyanova](https://365datascience.com/resources/team/thumb@128_tbwoza2u98-elitsa.jpg)
Elitsa Kaloyanova
Instructor at 365 Data ScienceThe Exploring Data Skewness in R template shows whether the observations in a data set are concentrated on one side. Here you can see examples of three different data skews implemented in R - right skewness, zero skewness and left skewness. Some other related topics you might be interested in exploring are Calculating Data Variance in R, Calculating Data Median in R, Calculating Standard Deviation of data in R.
You can now download the R template for free.
Calculating Data Median in R is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.
![Elitsa Kaloyanova](https://365datascience.com/resources/team/thumb@128_tbwoza2u98-elitsa.jpg)
Elitsa Kaloyanova
Instructor at 365 Data Science
Who is it for?
This is an open-access R template, .r file that will be useful for anyone who wants to work as a Computer Scientist, Data Analyst, Data Scientist and Data Engineer
How can it help you?
This template will help you when performing statistical analysis of data. Skewness shows the distribution of a variable, as such, it shows where the majority of points are concentrated and identifies any potential outliers.