Sending a GET Request in Python Template
This free .ipynb template demonstrates how to send an HTTP GET request in Python which is the backbone of the modern internet- the most popular one is the GET request. This type of request is the most basic form of request since it is sent to servers when opening web pages or accessing APIs. In this template, we have implemented a simple GET request using the Python library "requests".

Who is it for?
This Sending a Get Request in Python template, alongside a series of others, will develop your fundamentals in web scraping and API in Python - skills that are essential for Data Analysts, Data Scientists, Machine Learning Engineers, or individuals interested in learning automated data extraction skills using Python.
How can it help you?
Real-life applications of web scraping can be seen in market research, lead generation, financial news monitoring and much more. But before you build such complex automated models for data extraction, you need to learn the GET request - the starting point for every data student.