Last answered:

18 Mar 2023

Posted on:

31 Jan 2022


Task is to assign or display?

The assignment in the video clearly states that we need to assign employee number 110022 as a manager to all employees from 10001 to 10020. By 'assign', I immediately assume that we should modify the data in the required table using the 'UPDATE' statement. Whereas in the video, we can see that emp_no 110022 is used only by the 'SELECT' statement, which is used only for selecting the columns about to be displayed. Therefore, the displayed query in the video didn't make any changes in the table and didn't really solve the task. Could you please tell me if I got it right, or if there's something that I misunderstood?

1 answers ( 0 marked as helpful)
Posted on:

18 Mar 2023


I thought the same - we need to modify something using UPDATE, but the code clearly displays the two managers' ids with all their employees.

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