Resolved: Why is the highlighted practice not considered a best practice?

(seems like assigning a meaningful name would be a best practice)
Hi E E!
Thanks for reaching out!
Please read the entire statement - there is a catch! I'd invite you to revise the material suggested about providing variable names!
Hope this helps.
Kind regards,
It should convey specific information, not general information. That's the catch Martin was talking about.
Isn't that right?
No, in my opinion Deepak that is not right. Specific information leads to long names. The video explicitly told us not to do that but rather to use 1 or 2 word phrases (that by definition can only convey a general idea of what is in the table rather than specific details). The answer given is wrong, it is a best practise to do exactly what it states, but the rubric requires it to be not so. Very odd question this one
Hi Deepak and Alastair!
Thanks for reaching out.
@Alastair: Using a concise and meaningful name for a variable is considered best practice.
@Deepak: Indeed.
Hope this helps.
Kind regards,