Last answered:

15 Nov 2022

Posted on:

25 Jun 2022


Resolved: Why is VAR(N) not a data type?

Why is VAR(10) not a data type in the exercise considering that 'N' can be considered as the length of the string except if this is in line with the notion that 'N' is different from 'n' as taught in Statistics? In case that will CHAR(n) be considered a data type?

2 answers ( 1 marked as helpful)
Posted on:

25 Jun 2022


Hi Yinka!
Thanks for reaching out.

The answer A is incorrect because the CHAR data type is expecting a number and not a letter. You can see that answer D shows just that.

Hope this helps.

Posted on:

15 Nov 2022



It seems unclear that why char(N) is the correct answer.
This it was not clarified clearly in lecture that char is expecting a number rather than a letter, while in examples used ´James´ as CHAR data type.

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