While Loops in R Template

Elitsa Kaloyanova
Instructor at 365 Data ScienceThe While Loops in R shows how to create a while loop which sums up the numbers from 1 to n. A while loop operates as long as, or while its condition evaluates to TRUE. In contrast to a for loop which iterates over a sequence of number, the while loop evaluates whether a condition holds or not. Some other related topics you might be interested in exploring are For Loops in R and If Else Else If Statements in R.
You can now download the R template for free.
Calculating Data Variance in R is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.

Elitsa Kaloyanova
Instructor at 365 Data Science
Who is it for?
This is an open-access R template, .r file that will be useful for anyone who wants to work as a Computer Scientist, Data Analyst, Data Scientist and Data Engineer.
How can it help you?
Often found in statistical analysis the variance template can be used to determine the variance of a dataset with the sapply function.