Last answered:

07 Dec 2022

Posted on:

02 Dec 2022


I get a crash whenever I try to input a string instead of a number in Q1. How can I solve this?

this is my solution but I want to avoid the crash whenever the user inputs a string instead of an integer

num = int(input("Please input a number beween 1 and 5 \n\n >>>>>"))
if num == 1:
elif num == 2:
elif num == 3:
elif num == 4:
elif num == 5:
else: print("Wrong Input Please Enter a number between 1 and 5")
6 answers ( 0 marked as helpful)
Posted on:

03 Dec 2022


Thanks, I got the answer after solving the 3rd question

num = input("Please input a number beween 1 and 5 \n\n >>>>>")
if num.isdigit():
    if num == "1":
    elif num == "2":
    elif num == "3":
    elif num == "4":
    elif num == "5":
    else: print("Wrong Input Please Write a number between 1 and 5")
else: print("Please write your selected number in digits only")
Posted on:

03 Dec 2022


My answer for the 3rd question I searched how to generate a random number in python to get the code I wanted

import random
num = random.randint(0, 10)
guess = input('Guess the number between 1-10:> ')
if guess.isdigit():
    guess = int(guess)
    if guess == num:
        print('You guessed the correct number! You win!')
    elif guess > num and guess <= 10:
        print('You guessed too high. Sorry you lose! The correct answer is ',num)
    elif guess < num and guess >= 1:
        print('You guessed too low. Sorry you lose! The correct answer is ',num)
        print('Out of range')
    print('That\'s not even an integer! What are you playing at?!')
Posted on:

03 Dec 2022


My answer for the 4th question:

name = input("Please enter your name \n >>>>")
length = len(name)
if name.isalpha():
    name = name.lower
    if length > 5:
      print("your name is ",length," characters long")
    else: print("The length of your name is a secert")
else: print("That's not even a name")
Posted on:

03 Dec 2022


My answer for the 5th question:

num1 = input("Please enter a number between 1 and 20 \n >>>>")
num2 = input("Please enter another number between 1 and 20 \n >>>>")
if num1.isdigit() and num2.isdigit():
    num1 = int(num1)
    num2 = int(num2)
    if num1 and num2 >= 1 and num1 and num2 <= 20:
        if num1 > 15 and num2 > 15:
            print("Your numbers product is ", num1 * num2)
        elif num1 > 15 or num2 > 15:
            print("Your numbers sum is ", num1 + num2)
    else: print("One or both of your entered numbers is out of range please try again")
else:print("One or both of your entered vlaues is not even a number please try again")
Posted on:

03 Dec 2022


My answer for the 6th question:

num1 = input("Please enter a number \n >>>>")
num2 = input("Please enter another number \n >>>>")
if num1.isdigit() and num2.isdigit():
    num1 = int(num1)
    num2 = int(num2)
    print("Before swapping first number =",num1 ,"and your second number =",num2)
    num1,num2 = num2,num1
    print("After swapping first number =",num1 ,"and your second number =",num2)
else:print("One or both of your entered vlaues is not even a number please try again")
Posted on:

07 Dec 2022


Even my spyder too crashes after every input statement soo I changed my IDE from Spyder to Pycharm If you also switch IDE and need a tutorial then might watch Chapter 22 of this Course. Don't know whats wrong with Spyder soo better to change it

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