Index Match Match Issue
Hi all,
I faced an issue, that the return number is different of what indexed in the data sheet.
Check please the photos below:
I should return with the Value of 156.9
Could you check for me, what could be the issue, cus I could not trust this Formula.
Hi Yasser, please use a formula that points to the column H only. As your function's first argument you shuold have H4:H4573. Please try to do that and let's see if the function works.
Hi Ned,
Thanks for your response,
I did it like that
^^=INDEX('Orders info'!H4:J4573,MATCH(C3,'Orders info'!I:I,0),MATCH('2.'!B5,'Orders info'!H:H,0))^^
I got N/A.
I you could provide me with the correct written one, so I can apply, hence state the issue
Please try with:
=INDEX('Orders info'!H4:H4573,MATCH(C3,'Orders info'!I:I,0),MATCH('2.'!B5,'Orders info'!H:H,0))
The first argument should not be pointing to two columns.