Resolved: Stacked Area Chart - Base R
This is more of a comment than a question...
1. You don't need to load the dplyr package to remove a column - in this case column 5 or variable "Other."
Just use the Subset command in base R and keep it simple.
temp <- df_engine_types[ , -5] # This removes column 5.
2. In addition I wouldn't use the reshape2 package to Combine "Gas", "Petrol" and "Diesel" categories into one column. Keep it simple and use the base R reshape.
tempLong <- reshape(temp,
direction = "long",
varying = c("Gas", "Petrol", "Diesel"), # columns that will be stacked into one column
v.names = "amount", # Name of the column with fuel values.
timevar = "fuel", # Name of column for the various fuels
times = c("Gas", "Petrol", "Diesel"), # the fuels for the "fuel" variable.
idvar = "Year" # Your id column
# To Remove the row names (if needed) use...
rownames(tempLong) <- c() # Remove row names
My $0.02
Hi T. Serghides,
thanks for reaching out and for your comments, I'll consider adding an alternative script with your suggestions to the course materials.
Happy learning!
365 Eli