For Loops in R Template
![Elitsa Kaloyanova](
Elitsa Kaloyanova
Instructor at 365 Data ScienceThe following For Loops in R shows how to calculate the sum of the numbers from 1 to 10 using a for loop. For loops are one of the most commonly used tools by any programmer and they are used when we want to repeat an action in the loop for a certain number of times. Some other related topics you might be interested in exploring are While Loops in R and If Else Else If statements .
![Elitsa Kaloyanova](
Elitsa Kaloyanova
Instructor at 365 Data Science
Who is it for?
This is an open-access R template, .r file that will be useful for Data Analysts, Data Scientists, Business Analysts, Statisticians, Software Engineers, and everyone who works with R.
How can it help you?
A for loop is used when we'd like to repeat an activity a certain amount of times. For example count the number of employees for which the salary is under 50000$ a year